Technical Cooperation Programme

Introduction text...
Title Emergency agricultural assistance to vulnerable drought-affected smallholders farmers in Aleppo Governorate
Abstract Already weakened by the current crisis, which is in its eighth year, the scale, severity and complexity of humanitarian and recovery needs in the Syrian Arab Republic remains exceedingly high, as a result of the combined impacts of crisis and...(more)
Start date 09/11/2018
End date 08/11/2019
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/SYR/3701
Title Emergency Assistance for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease in Central and Western Regions of Mongolia
Abstract Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a highly contagious transboundary animal disease (TAD), which affects not only animals, but also livelihoods and markets through severe economic impacts...(more)  
Start date 10/10/2018
End date 31/12/2020
Budget 300000$
Project Code TCP/MON/3701
Title Use of ICT in Agriculture and Enhancing Extension Services to Promote Conservation Agriculture 
Abstract The Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) implemented by the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) aims to improve the supply and delivery of...(more)
Start date 17/08/2018
End date 31/01/2020
Budget 419000$
Project Code TCP/ZAM/3702
Title Integrated Emergency Livestock Protection in Support to Drought-Affected Pastoralists in Balkh and Samangan Provinces
Abstract In Afghanistan, the 2017/2018 winter planting season was severely impacted by the El Niño-induced drought, leaving most parts of the country with 70 percent below...(more)  
Start date 03/08/2018
End date 31/01/2020
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/AFG/3702
Title Asistencia técnica para la preparación y realización del censo nacional agropecuario 2018-2019
Abstract En Paraguay, la información estadística del sector agropecuario nacional, especialmente en el área de la Agricultura Familiar, se encuentra desactualizada e incompleta, aspecto que ha debilitado su uso en el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas adecuadas para el sector...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 130000$
Project Code TCP/PAR/3608
Title Namibia - Support for the Development of National Capacities for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Abstract Food and nutrition insecurity remain major barriers to the development of Southern Africa. The primary challenge being faced concerns the sustainable...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 340000$
Project Code TCP/SFS/3601
Title Zimbabwe - Support for the Development of National Capacities for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Abstract Food and nutrition insecurity remain major barriers to the development of Southern Africa. The primary challenge being faced concerns the sustainable...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 340000$
Project Code TCP/SFS/3601
Title Apoyo para el acceso de Cuba a proyectos GEF 7 sobre Agricultura y Acuicultura/Pesca sostenible
Abstract Cuba es un país agrícola con un territorio nacional que abarca un área de 10 988 600 hectáreas y cuenta con una superficie agrícola equivalente al 60,2 por ciento (6 619 500 hectáreas)...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 01/07/2019
Budget 25000$
Project Code TCP/CUB/3609
Title Angola - Support for the Development of National Capacities for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Abstract Food and nutrition insecurity remain major barriers to the development of Southern Africa. The primary challenge being faced concerns the sustainable...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 340000$
Project Code TCP/SFS/3601
Title Eswatini - Support for the Development of National Capacities for Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Abstract Food and nutrition insecurity remain major barriers to the development of Southern Africa. The primary challenge being faced concerns the sustainable...(more)
Start date 01/08/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 340000$
Project Code TCP/SFS/3601
Title Emergency Assistance to Restore Food Security and Enhance Food Production and Resilience in Typhoon Affected Communities in Lanao del Norte (Region X) and Lanao del Sur (BARMM), Mindanao
Abstract The Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. An average of 20 typhoons affect the country ever year, some of which result in significant damage...(more)
Start date 10/07/2018
End date 31/05/2019
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/PHI/3701
Title Improved Post-Harvest Handling and Processing Techniques for Value Addition of Cashew Nuts and Coffee in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
Abstract The remote and hilly Chittagong Hill Tracts ( of Bangladesh are geographically, topographically and ethno culturally different from the country’s low lying plains...(more)
Start date 28/06/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 375000$
Project Code TCP/BGD/3609
Title Reintegración social y económica de poblaciones migrantes, en condiciones de vulnerabilidad, en los departamentos de San Miguel, Usulután y Chalatenango
Abstract El fenómeno migratorio presente en Centroamérica está ocasionado por una serie de factores relacionados con la reagrupación familiar, la falta de oportunidades laborales, el bajo nivel de educación...(more)
Start date 26/06/2018
End date 27/04/2019
Budget 75000$
Project Code TCP/ELS/3701
Title Identifying Suitable Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Practices for Scale-Up in Thailand 
Abstract With global weather patterns becoming increasingly unpredictable, like many other regions, Thailand’s agricultural production systems and communities are expected to suffer from rapidly fluctuating temperatures and increased...(more)
Start date 01/06/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 212000$
Project Code TCP/THA/3604
Title Assistance d`urgence aux ménages agropastoraux vulnérables en appui au plan d`urgence 2018
Abstract Le déficit pluviométrique enregistré en 2017 a eu des conséquences désastreuses sur les moyens de subsistance des éleveurs mauritaniens. Or l’élevage constitue l’un des piliers de l’économie nationale et est la principale source de revenus de 60 à 70 pour cent de la population...(more)
Start date 16/05/2018
End date 30/11/2019
Budget 497000$
Project Code TCP/MAU/3702
Title Appui d’urgence aux actions de lutte contre la chenille légionnaire d’automne du maïs
Abstract Observée en République démocratique du Congo pour la première fois en 2016 la Chenille légionnaire d’automne ( était présente dans 86 des 145 territoires que compte le pays en mai 2017...(more)
Start date 09/05/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 500000$
Project Code TCP/DRC/3701
Title Central African Republic - Appui à l’élaboration des directives de la COMIFAC pour le suivi des odd relatifs aux forêts
Abstract L’Afrique centrale abrite le second massif de forêtstropicales au monde. Elle représente par conséquentune sous-région assez spécifique sur le plan écologique...(more)
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 30/11/2019
Budget 236000$
Project Code TCP/SFC/3603
Title Burundi - Appui à l’élaboration des directives de la COMIFAC pour le suivi des odd relatifs aux forêts
Abstract L’Afrique centrale abrite le second massif de forêtstropicales au monde. Elle représente par conséquentune sous-région assez spécifique sur le plan écologique...(more)
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 30/11/2019
Budget 236000$
Project Code TCP/SFC/3603
Title Sao Tome and Principe - Appui à l’élaboration des directives de la COMIFAC pour le suivi des odd relatifs aux forêts
Abstract L’Afrique centrale abrite le second massif de forêtstropicales au monde. Elle représente par conséquentune sous-région assez spécifique sur le plan écologique...(more)
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 30/11/2019
Budget 236000$
Project Code TCP/SFC/3603
Title Pakistan - Strengthening Institutional Capacities for Sustainable Management of Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) while Addressing Groundwater Risk
Abstract Solar-powered irrigation systems (SPIS) provide a source of reliable and clean energy for use in agriculture...(more)
Start date 01/05/2018
End date 31/12/2019
Budget 406000$
Project Code TCP/RAS/3616