World Agriculture Watch

Selected publications

Author / Source:
Type: Report
Year: 2019

Farms and farming households help shape the dynamics of an area, as farming and other activities are based on interaction with natural resources. Decision-making at household and farm level, therefore, takes place in a territorial context, framed by a particular set of resources. These, in turn, will impact the natural assets of the farm and the territory more widely. WAW is a tool for building inclusive investment and social policies and uses statistically representative benchmark farms to scale up results to the territorial level.

Author / Source:
Type: Book
Year: 2019

L’Observatoire des Agricultures du Monde (OAM) propose de mettre en œuvre un cadre méthodologique harmonisé pour créer des systèmes d’information cohérents aux niveaux mondial et local, qui fournira des informations adéquates sur la structure et la performance de ces diverses exploitations. Il sera alors possible de développer des ensembles de données permettant de mieux cibler les investissements et d’accompagner les processus de décision politique.

Author / Source:
Type: Book
Year: 2019

World Agriculture Watch (WAW) is proposing to implement a harmonized methodological framework to establish coherent global and local information systems, which will provide suitable information on the structure and performance of these diverse farms. It will then be possible to develop data sets to better target investment and policy frameworks.

Author / Source:
Type: Report
Year: 2019

Capacity building for monitoring diversity and transformations of farms to improve policy formulation and agricultural advice in Senegal

Author / Source:
Type: Report
Year: 2019

In Senegal, as in Tunisia, the institutions responsible for data collection, policy formulation and analysis do not yet have a detailed knowledge of the diversity of farms and their transformations. The project was to develop an information system.

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