





Structural data from agricultural censuses (FAOSTAT analytical brief 83)
The new FAOSTAT domain structural data from agricultural censuses has been set up to disseminate data collected in national censuses of agriculture. The structural data in the domain includes the size and number of holdings, holder gender, land tenure, legal status of holders, and farm labour, among others. The censuses of agriculture are conducted under the FAO’s World Programme for the Census of Agriculture (WCA), which is a decennial programme. This brief covers the period 1990-2010.

Webinar on the Operational Guidelines of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)
25 - 29 October  2021 
The meeting was the fifth in the series of regional workshop planned to present the Operational Guidelines of the WCA 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

Webinar on the Operational Guidelines of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)
24 - 26 November 2020 
The meeting was the fourth in the series of regional workshop planned to present the Operational Guidelines of the WCA 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

Regional Workshop on the Operational Guidelines of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)
17 - 23 June 2019, Bujumbura, Burundi
The meeting was the third in the series of regional workshop planned to present the Operational Guidelines of the WCA 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

Regional Workshop on the Operational Guidelines of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)
22 - 26 April 2019, Santiago, Chile
The meeting was the second in the series of regional workshop planned to present the Operational Guidelines of the WCA 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

Regional Workshop on the Operational Guidelines of the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)
1 - 4 April 2019, Amman, Jordan
The meeting was the first in the series of regional workshop planned to present the Operational Guidelines of the WCA 2020 to the FAO member countries in different parts of the world.

Global Review of Agricultural Census Methodologies and Results (2006-2015), World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010
FAO Statistical Development Series 18

The publication is the second and last publication of the WCA 2010 round. It is a unique reference for understanding the evolution of strategies and methods seen in national agricultural censuses in that round.

Main Results and Metadata by Country (2006-2015), World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010
FAO Statistical Development Series 17

The real value of this publication lies in the availability of detailed metadata on agricultural censuses conducted by different countries.

2020 年世界农业普查方案, 第二卷 操作指南

指导。这些阶段包括普查的设计和规划(目标、策略、方法、工作计划、预算、立法、制度和质量框架、样框的准备、问卷设计和加工体系),一直到实地操作(普查员的招聘和培训、监测体系、实地普查和 普查事后抽查,再到普查结果的加工、分析和发布(包括存档和衔接普查结果和当前统计)等内容。

2020 年 世界农业 普查方案
第一卷 方案、概念及定义

自 1930 年起,每十年一次的普查方案就一直在为各国开展国家农业普查提供指导。 本出版物《2020 年世界农业普查方案》旨在为各国于 2016 和 2025 年间开展农业 普查提供指导。 农业普查一直在农业部门结构性数据收集方面发挥重要作用。2020 年普查方案将 确保所收集的数据在国际层面具有可比性,同时能够满足二十一世纪新出现的信息 需要。