

“No Food Waste” project

With just 22 years, Padmanaban Gopalan, started an ingenious project to feed the hungry and reduce food waste in Coimbatore, India. Padmanaban founded “No Food Waste” with the aim of serving the needy people with excess foods from all over the city. They also have done social awareness activities such as marathons, campaigns, and food waste audits in schools.

This is how it works, once they receive a call from the donor at their awareness number, they reach the respective collection point with their volunteers and necessary accessories depending on the food count along with their "FOODIVA", a vehicle specially designed by their team for excess food collection. They have been collecting and distributing excess foods from marriage halls, functions, home parties, schools, colleges, etc. Since October 2014, they have happily and successfully distributed 6 200 food packs to ashrams, slums and road side people in and around the city. Padmanaban wishes to expand to five other cities in the future.

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