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Report of the Conference of FAO |
Eleventh Session |
Rome, 4-24 November 1961 |
IV. McDougall memorial lecture
V. The late Dag Hammarskjöld and Hugh McClure Smith
A. Appointment of chairman, vice-chairmen, general committee and credentials committee
B. Agenda of the session
C. Arrangements for the session
D. Appointment of chairmen and vice-chairmen of commissions
E. General discussion
F. Drafting committee
G. Election of the members and appointment of the independent chairman of the council
H. Verification of credentials
I. Admission of observers
VII. Review of the world situation and outlook in food and agriculture
A. World food and agriculture situation
Population and food supply
Changes in stocks of commodities
International trade in agricultural products
Farm prices and incomes
Agricultural policies and development plans
Incentives to increase production
Land reform
Agricultural extension, education and research
Adjustments of national agricultural policiesB. Utilization of food surpluses for economic and social development
Multilateral food disposal schemes
Food surpluses for economic development
Conformity of operations with the FAO principles of surplus disposal
Co-ordination of projects
Use of surpluses
System of contributions
Implementation of proposals
Intergovernmental committee
Withdrawal from working capital fundUtilization of agricultural surpluses
Guiding principles for national agricultural price stabilization and support policies
National and international commodity arrangements
Agricultural commodity aspects of regional economic integration
Future work on commodity problems
Agricultural trade policies and commodity problems
Other commodity mattersD. Freedom from hunger campaign (FFHC)
E. World food congress
F. World seed campaign
G. Africa survey
VIII. Activities and programs of the organization
A. Introduction
B. Impact of field programs on FAO's regular program
C. Education and training
D. Agricultural planning and programing
E. Co-ordination of work among international agencies
F. Advisory groups
G. Presentation - program of work
H. AgricultureRural institutions and services
Land and water development
Plant production and protection
Animal production and health
Atomic energy in food and agricultureI. Joint projects - agriculture and forestry
J. Forestry and forest products
Program of work 1962-63
Regional activities
World forestry congresses
Future programs and program trendIntroduction
Direction and balance of program
Fisheries biology
Fisheries technology
Fisheries economics
Regional activitiesFood consumption and planning
Food science and technology
Applied nutrition
Home economics
Additional items of work
Long-term outlookN. Information and publications
Public information
Publications service
Legislation research
LibraryO. André Mayer fellowships
P. Regional activities
Q. Interagency relations and consultations - matters arising out of the administrative committee on co-ordination and the economic and social council discussions
R. FAO/UNICEF relations
S. Special program of technical assistance under FAO's regular program
T. Activities arising out of the Mediterranean development project
U. Survey and appraisal of world agriculture, fisheries and forestry resources in relation to needs
V. Technical co-operation programsField personnel
Contracting for the execution of projects
Associate experts
United nations development decade
Expanded program of technical assistance (EPTA)
The united nations special fund
Relationship between EPTA and the special fund
Program for operational executives (OPEX)W. Special program of agricultural education and training in Africa
Co-operation between FAO, UNESCO, ILO and the united nations
Institutions for higher education
FellowshipsCountry representatives
Co-ordination of programs
Agricultural development planning
X. Constitutional and legal matters
Increase in the membership of the council
Rotation of council seatsB. Composition of delegations to the conference
C. Membership in commodity study groupsD. Term of office of the director-general
E. Term of office of the committee on constitutional and legal matters and methods of convening the committee
F. Technical committees of the conferenceG. Regional fisheries advisory commission for the southwest Atlantic
H. Establishment of a regional fisheries commission for western Africa
I. Statutory report on the status of conventions and agreements and on amendments theretoConstitution or the international rice commission
Constitution of the European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease
Agreement for the establishment of an Indo-Pacific fisheries council
Agreement for the establishment of the general fisheries council for the Mediterranean (GFCM)
Agreement for the establishment of a Latin-American fisheries council
International poplar commission
Agreement for the establishment on a permanent basis of a Latin-American forest research and training institute
Convention on the privileges and immunities of the specialized agenciesJ. Procedure for approval of amendments to basic texts
K. Approval of statutes (including rules of procedure) of article VI bodiesAsia-Pacific forestry commission
Joint EFC/NEFC/AFC subcommission on Mediterranean forestry problems
Latin-American forestry commission
European forestry commission
African forestry commission
North American forestry commission
International chestnut commission
FAO advisory committee on pulp and paperL. Relations with international organizations and granting of consultative status
XI. Administrative and financial matters
A. Audited accounts for 1958-59
B. Audited accounts for 1960 - European commission for the control of foot-and-mouth disease
C. Audited accounts for the expanded program of technical assistance (EPTA), 1959
D. Audited accounts for the expanded program of technical assistance (EPTA), 1960
E. Audited accounts for the united nations special fund, 1960
F. Level of the working capital fund
G. Reimbursement of the working capital fundAmount withdrawn for special program in Africa and disposal of food surpluses
Amount withdrawn to meet additional pension fund contributionsH. Review of common salary scale for professional category staff and above
I. Education grant
J. Staff compensation plan
K. Staff assessment plan and tax equalization fund
L. Scale of contributions 1962-63
M. Contributions and advances by new member and associate membersN. Headquarters agreement with the government of the republic of Italy
O. Biennial budgeting
P. Amendment to financial regulation IV.4 (b)
Q. Amendment to financial regulation IV.5 (a)
R. Amendment to financial regulation v (contributions from non-member nations)
S. Publications revolving fund
T. Distribution of publications to member governments
XII. Membership, elections and appointments
A. Admission of new member nations and associate members
B. Appointment of the independent chairman of the council
C. Election of council members
D. Appointment of FAO staff pension committee
XIII. Date and place of twelfth session of the conference
A. Agenda
B. Delegates and observers attending the eleventh session of the conference
C. Guiding principles for agricultural price stabilization and support policies with special reference to the need to minimize adverse effects on international trade
D. Statutes of the codex alimentarius commission
E. Amendments to the constitution, general rules of the organization, financial regulations, and to the rules of procedure for the council of FAO
F. Amendments to the agreement for the establishment of the general fisheries council for the Mediterranean
G. Scale of contributions 1962-63
H. Terms of reference of the technical committees of the conference
I. ILO/FAO/UNESCO agreement on agricultural education1. FAO/UNESCO consultations on agricultural education
2. Memorandum of agreement between ILO, FAO and UNESCO supplementing the UNESCO/FAO agreement on agricultural educationJ. List of conference documents
K. Reports of the technical committeesI. Agriculture
II. Economics
III. Fisheries
IV. Forestry and forest products
V. Information and publications
VI. Nutrition
VII. Joint meeting - agriculture and forestry