
Report of the Conference of FAO
Twenty-seventh Session
Rome, 6-24 November 1993

Table of Contents

I. Council (until 31 December 1994)

II. Council (as from 1 January 1995)

III. Introduction

A. Eighteenth McDougall Memorial Lecture
B. Address by His Excellency Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, President of Italy
C. Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards for 1992 and 1993
D. Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award 1992-1993
E. Tribute to Edouard Saouma
F. Oath of Office of the Director-General Elect
G. Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations
H. In memoriam

IV. Procedure of the session

A. Election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference
B. Appointment of the General Committee and the Credentials Committees
C. Adoption of the Agenda
D. Arrangements for the Session and Allocation of Agenda Items

Establishment of Commissions and Appointment of their Chairmen. Vice-Chairmen. Rapporteur and Drafting Committees
Resolutions Committee of the Conference.
Right of Reply
Verbatim Records
Verification of Credentials
Voting Rights
Conference Timetable

E. Admission of Observers

Observers from Applicants for Membership
Admission of Observers from the Russian Federation. Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova
Liberation Movements
Intergovernmental and International Non-Governmental Organizations

F. Informal Meeting of Observers from International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs)

V. Major trends and policies in food and agriculture

A. Statements by Heads of Delegations in the General Discussion
B. World Food and Agriculture Situation and Outlook

State of Food and Agriculture
The Desert Locust Situation in West and Northwest Africa
World Food Security and Nutritional Status
Agriculture: Towards 2010

C. Activities Related to Environment and Sustainable Development

Revision of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources
International Code of Conduct for Plant Germplasm Collection and Transfer

D. Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Agricultural and Rural Development: Progress Report

VI. Activities and programmes of the organization

A. Programme implementation report 1992-93

Director-General's Introduction
Chapter 1: Overview of FAO Action in 1992-93
Chapter 2: Resources
Chapter 3: Selected Quantitative Features of Programme Delivery
Chapter 4: Achievements of the Technical and Economic Programmes
Chapter 5: Development Support and Project Operations
Chapter 6: International Cooperative Programme Framework for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (ICPF/SARD): The Streamlining of Special Action Programmes and Improved Management of Field Activities
Supplement 1: Operational Activities for Development
Future Versions of the Programme Implementation Report

B. Programme evaluation report 1992-93

Part One - In-depth Review of Selected Programmes
Part Two - Evaluation of Field Programmes
Part Three - In-depth Review of Thematic Topics

C. Medium-term Plan 1994-99

Director-General's Introduction
Chapter 1: The Context of FAO's Action
Chapter 2: Cross-Sectoral Priorities
Chapter 3: Programme Priorities
Chapter 4: Regional Issues and Priorities
Chapter 5: Resources

D. Programme of Work and Budget 1994-95

Programme Priorities
Technical Cooperation Programme
Financial Framework
Budget Level

E. Procedure for Global Harmonization of Plant Quarantine
F. United Nations/FAO/World Food Programme Pledging Target 1995-96
G. Relations with Other Organizations

Recent Developments in the United Nations System of Interest to FAO
Recent Developments in FAO's Cooperation with Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations

VII. Constitutional and administrative matters

A. Constitutional and legal matters

Statutory Report on Status of Conventions and Agreements, and Amendments thereto

a) Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General

Amendment to Rule XXXIV GRO regarding Terms of Reference of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM)
Amendment to Paragraph 10 of Appendix to Conference Resolution 46/57 (Part R of the Basic Texts)
Abolition of the Panel of Experts on Emergency Action Against the Desert Locust and Other Crop Pests and Abolition of the Advisory Panel on Epizootiology
Draft International Agreement on the Flagging of Vessels Fishing on the High Seas
Cooperation Agreement between the Organization for the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia and the Pacific (NACA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Agreement for the Establishment of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commissions

B. Administrative and financial matters

Audited accounts 1990-91

a) Regular Programme 1990-91
b) United Nations Development Programme 1990-9155
c) World Food Programme 1990-91
d) Follow up to External Auditors' Recommendations

Scale of Contributions 1994-95
Financial Position of the Organization

a) Status of Contributions: Measures to Improve the Collection of Contributions

Trust funds/support costs reimbursement

a) Background
b) Discussion
c) Conclusion

Personnel matters

a) Recent Developments in the Activities of ICSC and the UN Joint Staff Pension Board
b) Methodology for the Calculation of the Pensionable Remuneration of the Director-General
c) Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances
d) Staff Post Adjustment Problems Arising from the Italian Lira Devaluation
e) Personnel Statistics
f) Statement of Staff Representative

Commissary accounts
Assessed Contribution of Czechoslovakia
Payment by the European Economic Community to cover Administrative and other Expenses Arising out of its Membership in the Organization

VIII. Appointments and elections

A. Applications for Membership in the Organization

Admission of Armenia to Membership
Admission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Membership
Admission of Croatia to Membership
Admission of Czech Republic to Membership
Admission of Eritrea to Membership
Admission of Kyrgyz Republic to Membership
Admission of Slovakia to Membership
Admission of Slovenia to Membership
Admission of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to Membership
Re-admission of South Africa to Membership

B. Election of Council Members
C. Appointments

Appointment of the Director-General
Appointment of the Independent Chairman of the Councils
Appointment of Representatives of the Conference to the Staff Pension Committees

IX. Other matters

A. Representation on Programme Committee and Finance Committee
B. Date and Place of the Twenty-eighth Session of the Conference

X. Appendix A - Agenda

XI. Appendix B - List of delegates and observers

XII. Appendix C - List of documents

XIII. Appendix D - Statement by the Director-General

XIV. Appendix E - International code of conduct for plant germplasm collecting and transfer

XV. Appendix F - Reservations from member nations to the resolution on the International code of conduct for plant germplasm collection and transfer

XVI. Appendix G - Statement of the computation of contributions for 1994 and 1995

XVII. Appendix H - Agreement compliance with international conservation and management measures by fishing vessels on the high seas

XVIII. Appendix I - Cooperation agreement between the organization for the network of aquaculture centres in Asia and the Pacific (NACA) and the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations (FAO)

XIX. Appendix J - Draft agreement for the establishment of the indian ocean tuna commission

XX. Appendix K - Scale of contributions - 1994-95

XXI. Appendix L - Regular Programme Contributions