Semaine européenne des forêts 2021

2019 Parallel and side events

5th European Forest Week – Forêt2019: “Forests and the Circular Economy”

Joint Session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the FAO European Forestry Commission

Monday, 4 November

10:00-10:30 Opening of EFW Exhibit 

  • Organizer: UNECE/FAO
  • Location: Salle des Pas Perdus, Building A, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

13:15-14:45  World Café on Forests for Fashion

  • Organizer: PEFC, ZOI Environment, UNECE/FAO
  • Location: Room IV, Building C, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

18:30-20:30 Evening Reception

  • Organizer: United States
  • Location: U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva

Tuesday, 5 Novmeber

13:15-14:45 Financing for wood-based circular economy – World Bank experiences in the Europe and Central Asia region

  • Organizer: World Bank Group
  • Location: Room XII, Building A, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

13:15-14:45 Green Forest Jobs in a Circular Economy: student perspectives on the future of forest work

  • Organizer: UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Green  Jobs, EFI-IUFRO-IFSA-project on the future of employment in the forest sector
  • Location: Room IV, Building C, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

Wednesday, 6 November

13:15-14:45 IBFRA Insight Process: Sustainable boreal forest management – challenges and opportunities for climate change mitigation

  • Organizers: Peter Högberg and Lina A. Ceder on behalf of IBFRA
  • Location: Room XII, Building A, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

13:15-14:45 Sustainable Wood for a Sustainable World (SW4SW): Sustainable wood value chains contributions to advance the bioeconomy and speed up achievement of the SDGs and climate change objectives

  • Organizer: Thais Linhares, FAO
  • Location: Room XII, Building A, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations

18:30-20:00 Evening Reception

  • Organizer: FAO
  • Location: Delegates Restaurant, Building A, 8th Floor, Palais des Nations 

Thursday, 7 November

13:15-14:45 Protective Functions of Forests in a Changing Climate: The European experience

  • Organizer: Yuka Makino, FAO 
  • Location: Room IV, Building C, 3rd Floor, Palais des Nations