أيام الأراضي والمياه في الشرق الأدنى وشمال افريقيا 2019
Objective: Reaching effective and Lasting impacts for Land and Water actions
Sharing lessons across projects and activities with a strong land and water component
Promoting the use of existing methodologies, guidelines and tools in support to projects design, implementation and performance and impact;
Understanding causes for failures, knowledge gaps in project design and implementation approaches and working out practical modalities for more effective technical support to field projects at various spatial scales;
Discussing trends in land and water management including irrigation across regions and implications for activities on the ground; and
Moving towards strategies and mechanisms for effective, sustainable and people-centered approaches to land,water use, management and tenure.
Background and rationale:
The need to develop new models of sustainable intensification of our agriculture based on limited and fragile land and water resources, while integrating resilience building and adaptability;
The need to improve performance of field projects in land and water management in terms of their sustainability, effectiveness and livelihood benefits, and to learn from and replicate successful projects;
The weak linkage between available technical knowledge and its effective application in the field, with limited mutual interactions and poor feedback mechanisms;
The growing concerns related to increasingly scarce natural resources, exacerbated by rising concerns about climate change, and the need for appropriate responses in terms of soil and water management practices;
The need to develop new models of sustainable intensification based on resilience building and adaptability of farming systems and communities.