FAO in Afghanistan
Afghanistan | Pistachio forest and rangeland restoration in Badghis
Afghanistan | Supporting rural communities of Kunar province through reforestation and agroforestry initiatives
Afghanistan | Rangeland rehabilitation in the southeast reduces pressure on land and boosts household income
Afghanistan | FAO supports Kuchi nomadic herding communities in southern Afghanistan with livestock protection packages
Afghanistan | Documenting the impact of drought on farmers and herders
Afghanistan | Certified wheat seed distribution
Afghanistan | Winter wheat campaign
Afghanistan | FAO protects agriculture-based livelihoods in Afghanistan
Afghanistan | FAO enabled markets in Afghanistan to remain open and safe at the peak of the pandemic
Afghanistan | Animal health care
Afghanistan | Animal feed distribution
Afghanistan | COVID-19 awareness raising and livestock management training
Afghanistan | FAO and Embassy of Sweden to Afghanistan joint visit to Nili, Daikundi Province
Afghanistan | Cash distribution and COVID-19 awareness raising
Afghanistan | Humanitarian assistance to Kuchi nomadic pastoralists
Afghanistan | FAO supports agriculture-based livelihoods to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19