FAO Regional Office for Africa
Launch of TCP - Support to the capacity building of National Points of Contact and Committees of CODEX Alimentarius, for three countries of the Sub regional Office for Southern Africa: Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Swaziland.  (15 and 16 September - Mbabane) The project will be focused on improving food control systems in...
World Forestry Congress, Durban, South Africa
07 September 2015 - 11 September 2015
The XIV World Forestry Congress, hosted by the Republic of South Africa, will bring together the global forestry community to review and analyse the key issues and to share ways of addressing them. The Congress – the first to be held in Africa - is inclusive of people from all countries,...
Last month National Agriculture Fair (27-29 august). It captures the joint efforts for three UN agencies (FAO, WFP and UNWomen) with financial support from the PAA project using the Brazil resources. Title: “Leading farmers to better markets and business deals: FAO and sister UN agencies in Malawi show the way.” Focus: Trade,...
The aim of the meeting is to present and discuss with international experts and selected country experts, the findings from literature review, country practices and gaps as well as methodological options for improving methods for estimating Livestock production and productivity, and to agree on best modalities of organizing field tests....
Dakar, Senegal from 17 to 19 June 2015, to participate in a Regional Nutrition Workshop on Fighting Against Undernutrition in West Africa.   Contact: [email protected] [email protected] (FAO Regional Office for Africa)