Integrated Production and Pest Management Programme in Africa
Photo: ©FAO/Olivier Asselin

The IPPM programme seeks to raise the awareness of farmers on pesticide risks and other agricultural challenges, through practical field experiments and production system training, leading to better management and decision-making by better-skilled and more knowledgeable farmers.

Recent publications

The IPPM programme is producing a series of theme-based training manuals in French to aid facilitators at farmer field schools in sub-Saharan francophone regions. The latest in the series is entitled "Gestion intégrée de la production et des déprédateurs du coton - Guide du facilitateur pour les Champs écoles des producteurs"...more

Stories from the field

© FAO/Michela Paganini

In the village of Bla in central Mali, trained farmers organized themselves into a network of facilitators, which they named “Réseau GIPD”Siaka Dioni, in his forties and living in Bla, is a member of the Réseau GIPD...more

GEF/FAO mapping tool for POPs

FAO in partnership with the Global Environmental Facility are helping governments and communities in Benin, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal protect the Niger and Senegal river watersheds by eliminating persistent organic pollutants (POPs) pesticide use and substantially reducing or eliminating other toxic pesticides used in agriculture...more

IPPM programme

The Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) Programme was established in 2001, initially covering three countries in the West African region. With the principal objective of improving farming skills and raising smallholder farmers’ awareness of risks from and alternatives to toxic chemicals, the programme has since significantly expanded its scope and is now present in 10 countries....more