Программа по интегрированному производству и контролю над пестицидами в Африке
Photo: ©FAO/Olivier Asselin

The Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) programme in Africa implements projects at national and regional level through partnerships with a variety of actors, including farmers’ organizations, NGOs and government agencies. The IPPM programme works with small-farming communities to improve productivity and livelihoods through environmentally sustainable practices.

Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme - sustainable production intensification component

The convergence of multiple adverse factors like increasing population, inappropriate agricultural techniques, natural resources mismanagement and climate variability, makes it increasingly challenging to ensure food and nutrition security of the world’s poor. In this context, FAO and the European Union joined efforts to launch the Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme (IGGHR). This four-year programme, active since 2012, aims at contributing to improved governance of food security issues through production of high-quality information, support to policies and programmes, and capacity development at all levels.

Food and nutritional security governance is multi-dimensional in nature, and its processes are complex and interdependent. The IGGHR programme tries to address this complexity by supporting the development of highly specific solutions to challenges currently faced by food insecure countries. One component of the IGGHR – sustainable production intensification (SPI) – explores paths through which increases in agriculture production can be achieved in environmentally-friendly ways. 

Sustainable intensification through IPPM / FFS activities

The Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) programme has been selected to coordinate the SPI component at FAO.

In close collaboration with other FAO departments and partners, the IPPM programme is providing a set of tools, knowledge and methodologies that aim to make a difference to the growth of agricultural production in a sustainable way. The publication 'Save and Grow', the paradigm envisioned by FAO for SPI, sets the framework in which the IPPM programme operates. 

The farmer field school (FFS) approach promoted by the IPPM programme helps farming communities to identify their own solutions by building awareness and developing their capacities through facilitators who possess appropriate technical skills. Within the SPI component, the FFS is being consolidated and broadened through the development of training guides on innovative topics for community education. To empower communities, the self-assessment tool SHARP (Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists) has been developed and is being disseminated to communities to help them identify areas with poor resilience and prioritize actions. 

It is noted that key factors of success and the adoption of good practices should be mapped for the purpose of scaling up SPI solutions. To this end, comprehensive studies have been conducted throughout Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Near East to learn lessons about institutional innovations, market linkages and other socio-economic aspects that influence the adoption of best practices in SPI. Policy briefs are also being prepared to help with informed decision-making and the promotion of SPI on topics such as, the risks to biodiversity and human health stemming from current pesticide use, and factors that promote or impede the adoption of sustainable farming practices.


FAO is working in close collaboration with the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme to implement the SPI component of the IGGHR programme.

This project is funded by the European Union through the “Improved Global Governance for Hunger Reduction Programme”.