اقتصاد النظم الزراعية والغذائية

Reducing vulnerability to weather shocks through social protection – Evidence from the implementation of Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22–02
السنة: 2022
الكاتب: Scognamillo, A., Mastrorillo, M. & Ignaciuk, A.
الناشر: FAO

This paper uncovers the mechanisms shaping the impact of the public work component of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) on beneficiaries and communities’ food security and vulnerability to various shocks. From a policy perspective, the empirical findings recommend explicitly integrating environmental and climate considerations to design social protection programmes which target poor agricultural households highly vulnerable to weather shocks.

The findings of this paper have been summarized in the policy brief:
Reducing vulnerability to weather shocks through social protection in Ethiopia

نوع المنشور: ورقة عمل
بلد: Ethiopia
المنطقة: Africa
ISBN: 978-92-5-136572-4
ISSN: 2521-1838
JEL codes: H55, 055, Q18, Q54.