Karamoja region (Uganda). Baseline report for impact evaluation of FAO-UNICEF-WFP resilience programming
FAO Baseline impact evaluation report N. 2
Год: 2017
The region of Karamoja, located in the northeast of Uganda, is an area of particular interest to many humanitarian organizations for several reasons: food insecurity is a major challenge in the region; conflict both between communities (also known as clans) in Karamoja, and between communities in Karamoja and those in bordering countries are rife; a high level of climate variability undermines the capacity to utilize the region’s natural resources, as they are affected by droughts, floods and dry spells. UNICEF), FAO and WFP have been working in Karamoja for more than twenty years and together have developed a Joint Resilience Strategy (JRS) for the region. The overall goal of this JRS is to improve food security and nutrition status in the region during the period from 2016 to 2020.
Тема: Жизнестойкость
Тип публикации: Техническое исследование
Страна: Uganda
Регион: Africa