Agroecology Knowledge Hub

FAO promotes the national agroecology policy of Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, as in other Latin American countries, agroecological practices have been present among the peasantry since centuries. However, it is from 2007 that the concepts of agroecology and organic agriculture begin to be institutionalized with the promulgation of the Mandatory Technical Standard Nicaraguan (NTON 11 010-07): Characterization, Regulation and Certification of Agroecological Production Units. The regulation responded to a movement for the promotion of very strong agroecology in the country, which managed to recognize organic agriculture and agroecology, as an alternative way of promoting sustainable intensification in the agricultural sector. Other legal instruments will be followed, such as Law No. 765 “Law for the Promotion of Agroecological or Organic Production” and its Regulations. These legal and regulatory instruments characterized agroecological production, and established the competences, scope, operating structure, actions and mechanisms for the promotion and development of agroecology in the country. Even with these advances, a more systematic development has not yet been achieved, partly because of the need for some specific policy instruments that facilitate the scalability of agroecology in the country.

The Government of Nicaragua requested support from FAO to provide these policy instruments.FAO agreed to support this process as part of the Agroecology Scaling up Initiative led by FAO together  with other United Nations Organizations. From 26 to 30 of August an international technical mission with experts from Rome and Brazil worked with the government, parliamentarians and representatives of the academy and civil society in a process of reviewing  the existing regulatory framework, which is scheduled to end later this year. They will prepare a Policy Document, Implementation Plan and Investment Project, built-in a participatory manner through 10 regional and one national seminar that will take place between September and November. The Ministry of Agriculture (MAG), Ministry of Family, Community, Cooperative and Associative Economy (MEFCCA), Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) public bodies such as the Nicaraguan Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), the Institute of Agricultural Protection and Health (IPSA), among others, as well as Universities and research entities (UNAN-León, UNA, ATC), social movements among which the Movement of Agroecological Producers and Producers stands out and Organic of Nicaragua (MAONIC) as well as private sectors that have been marketing Nicaraguan organic products in the national and international market (mainly coffee and cocoa, but also tropical fruits) will be participating in the elaboration of these policy instruments.

The members of the mission participated in a discussion in the National Assembly with members of different legislative commissions related to the topic (Right to Food, Health, Original Peoples, among others) and visited producers in the Departments of Carazo and Riva, where it was possible to verify the potentiality of agroecology and discuss the priorities for a national plan, from the producers point of view.

Undoubtedly, Agroecology is a dynamic sector in Nicaragua, and it has different programs, actions and initiatives both governmental and carried out by private sectors and by civil society that has enormous potentially for staggering. Also, the academy and institutes of investigation and transfer of technologies will advance in several technical and organizational subjects. It is necessary to better coordinate these initiatives, establish synergies and complementarities between them, since it does not start from scratch. This initiative can help Nicaragua to deal with issues such as climate change, to fulfill the commitments assumed with the 2030 Agenda, and to contribute to inclusive and sustainable development in the countryside, opening new opportunities for exports, among other potentialities. With this process, Nicaragua is preparing to be recognized as a world reference in healthy, sustainable, inclusive and resilient food systems, capable of offering high quality food to its population and participating in the most valued and dynamic markets in this sector.

Year: 2019
Country/ies: Nicaragua
Content language: English
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Type: Project
Organization: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

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