Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Moeda: building a more inclusive and egalitarian world with finance

Moeda is an ecosystem of financial services and technology that seeks to create positive social impact and that provides, among other services, an integrated financing model for sustainable social development, focusing on the unbanked population.

Since its foundation, the company has used blockchain technology with a focus on people who need payment solutions with services, security, and at affordable costs for their daily lives. The decentralized technologies offered by Moeda strengthen the promotion of social, economic, and sustainable development for producers and organizations located in rural, urban, quilombola, and indigenous communities.

Moeda offers a holistic model based on the integration and monitoring of all phases. As a social fintech, Moeda works with four different programs: financial services, marketing solutions, technical support, and training.

Since its conception, the financial technology has been focusing on unbanked populations, prioritizing rural women, to facilitate access to financial products and services, allowing the development of sustainable productive projects that generate and maintain decent work and sustainable income.

One of the innovative characteristics that Moeda brings to agroecology is the combination of a focus on family farming and empowerment of rural women, preservation of rural settings, by generating sufficient income for this population, with the use of blockchain and cryptocurrency technology to bridge the digital gap.

Moeda contributes with its ecosystem to overcome possible social, logistic and digital barriers such as gender and minority bias, cyber vulnerability and market concentration that can influence agroecology and the food supply industry in specific regions or remote areas.


 Photo credits: Moeda

Year: 2015
Country/ies: Brazil
Geographical coverage: Latin America and the Caribbean
Full text available at:
Content language: Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified), English
Author: Moeda ,
Type: Innovation

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