Центр знаний об агроэкологии

The food system of Fez, Morocco

The food system of Fez in Morocco faces many challenges: profession of devalued farmer and difficult living conditions leading to a significant phenomenon of rural exodus, significant use of chemicals for agriculture and water pollution, development strategy of agriculture contradicting the scarcity of water resources, transformation of diets. But at the same time, Morocco and more specifically the region of Fès-Meknès benefits from strong culinary traditions, from a Mediterranean diet to be valued for its health and climate benefits. Agroecology initiatives are emerging in peri-urban areas, and cooperatives are developing in nearby rural areas in order to enhance the value of products and improve the quality of life of farmers.

Год: 2019
Страна/страны: Morocco
Язык контента: Arabic, French
Author: Anna Faucher, Louison Lançon et Alice Deshons ,
Категория: Видеоматериал
Organization: Let's Food Cities

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