Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Hybrid course: ''Agroecology, Food Sovereignty and social movements'', on January 2023

This program of the University of Vermont is designed to examine potential pathways towards the sustainable transformation of our current agrifood system by integrating economic, social, and ecological perspectives.

Rooted in ''Participatory Action Research'' (PAR), the program will guide the students to identify key questions and practice new methods for integrating data from multiple perspectives (farmers, academics, activists, policymakers, etc.). This is used to both better understand agrifood system issues, as well as search for solutions that show tangible promise to help resolve issues on the ground.

The fully prescribed coursework consists of a 4-week course with the 4th week being a farm experience; three foundational online classes; and a final online capstone course, designed for the application of newly developed knowledge and skills in a culminating experience/project that addresses an agroecological topic relevant to the individual student. Based within the Plant and Soil Science Department at UVM, the program provides students access to UVM’s academic ecosystem and top experts in the field.

 01/01/2023 -
Год: 2023
Страна/страны: United States of America
Географический охват: Северная Америка
Язык контента: English
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Категория: Мероприятие
Organization: University of Vermont

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