Agroecology Knowledge Hub

Resilience: enhanced resilience of people, communities and ecosystems is key to sustainable food and agricultural systems

Diversified agroecological systems are more resilient – they have a greater capacity to recover from disturbances including extreme weather events such as drought, floods or hurricanes, and to resist pest and disease attack. Following Hurricane Mitch in Central America in 1998, biodiverse farms including agroforestry, contour farming and cover cropping retained 20–40 percent more topsoil, suffered less erosion and experienced lower economic losses than neighbouring farms practicing conventional monocultures.

By maintaining a functional balance, agroecological systems are better able to resist pest and disease attack. Agroecological practices recover the biological complexity of agricultural systems and promote the necessary community of interacting organisms to self-regulate pest outbreaks. On a landscape scale, diversified agricultural landscapes have a greater potential to contribute to pest and disease control functions.

Agroecological approaches can equally enhance socio-economic resilience. Through diversification and integration, producers reduce their vulnerability should a single crop, livestock species or other commodity fail. By reducing dependence on external inputs, agroecology can reduce producers’ vulnerability to economic risk. Enhancing ecological and socio-economic resilience go hand-in-hand – after all, humans are an integral part of ecosystems.


This report aims to explore how a paradigm shift in our food and energy systems – supported by structural lifestyle and societal changes – could greatly contribute to limit rise in average global temperature to 1.5°C without relying on risky and unproven Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) or geoengineering. CIDSE affirms that...
The concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) has consistently been positioned between science and policy. CSA has given rise to a lively debate in both the scientific community and civil society although it addresses the pressing need for an efficient strategy to manage agriculture and food systems facing climate change (CC). CSA formally targets...
Journal article
El auge de la agricultura, ganadería y alimentación ecológica es una realidad que va más allá de lo que se califica como moda o tendencia. Es un hecho que involucra a todos los sectores productivos de nuestro sistema alimentario y por tanto, es indiscutible que despierta gran interés, curiosidad, dudas...
El objetivo de esta tesis fue para evaluar el manejo de los recursos naturales de Chinampas e Invernaderos con indicadores de sostenibilidad articulados a través del marco MESMIS. Un primer diagnóstico espacial mostró la dinámica del uso de la tierra en la zona lacustre de Xochimilco en el período 1989...
Working paper
This paper investigates the effect of a cluster-planting pattern on intraspecific interactions and tests whether cluster planting can modify the type and intensity of intraspecific interactions, thus increasing yield. The growth characteristics of different organs of cotton under cluster and traditional planting patterns were studied and the effect of different...
Journal article