ICARDA - MEL contribution to AGROVOC

FAO/Giulio Napolitano / FAO
The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) is an international organization undertaking research-for-development to provide innovative, science-based agricultural solutions that improve the livelihoods resilience of rural dryland communities. ICARDA is a member of CGIAR Research Center. In 2016 ICARDA launched the Monitoring and Evaluation and Learning (MEL) online platform to plan, manage, monitor, evaluate, report and share their activities and results.
The AGROVOC multilingual thesaurus coordinated by FAO is part of the set of tools used by MEL, becoming one of most used web-services incorporated in the platform. ICARDA is part of the AGROVOC community of editors in charge of the dryland and livestock terminology. It also supports the Arabic version of the online thesaurus. ICARDA has recently published a report on the contribution to AGROVOC, in particular presenting how the workflow between MEL and the AGROVOC team operates.
The report is available here.