Machine Use


Currently, there are three distinct ways to access AGROVOC data without the need of a UI:

SPARQL endpoint

Skosmos REST APIs

Skosmos  provides a set of REST APIs to access its vocabulary data. The official AGROVOC Skosmos deployment can be accessed here. Using this REST APIs, it is possible, among other things, to search for concepts through its labels, filters such searches using specific languages (in the search term or even in the returned data) and then get all the information of a given concept.

Here are a couple of examples on these REST APIs:

Search all concepts having a label in English (en) starting with the word “bea”: 

Search all concepts having a label in English (en) starting with the word “bea”:*&lang=en
Search all concepts having a label in English (en) containing the word “bea”:*bea*&lang=en
Getting all data associated to the concept :

To have the complete list of REST APIs available, please refer to the official guide.

Legacy Web Services (using SOAP protocol)

AGROVOC Web Services allow access to AGROVOC contents through SOAP Web Services technology. The current implementation of AGROVOC Web Services is fed by data from the RDF version of AGROVOC (currently, the master version being edited through VocBench).

The WSDL file for the Web Services is located here: A list of the currently implemented AGROVOC Web Services is provided below, together with their description.

AGROVOC can also be accessed through SPARQL. Check the AGROVOC Release page for getting to the SPARQL endpoint.

Note: the AGROVOC Web Services are fed by the Linked Open Data (LOD) version of AGROVOC (see Releases), which include also triples related to:

  • the ontology vocabulary Agrontology,
  • the mappings,
  • trivially inferred triples produced automatically etc.

SOAP Web Services List

The following Web Services have been implemented to facilitate access to AGROVOC content through dedicated SOAP clients.

  • getConceptByKeyword
  • getConceptByKeyword2
  • searchByModeLangScopeXML
  • simpleSearchByMode2
  • getConceptInfoByTermcode
  • getConceptInfoByURI
  • getDefinitions
  • getAllLabelsByTermcode2
  • getTermByLanguage
  • getURIByTermAndLangXML
  • getFullAuthority
  • getConceptByURI
  • getConceptByRelationshipValue
  • getlatestUpdates
  • getTermcodeByTermAndLangXML
  • getTermExpansion
  • getReleaseDate
  • getWebServicesVersion

We do not plan to add further web services in the future, and recommend instead access to AGROVOC through the current SPARQL endpoint.

Suggest New Concept

Would you like to suggest new concepts to AGROVOC? 

Register and fill the form