Containment of the Antimicrobial Resistance in terrestrial and aquatic food production systems, under the One Health approach in Latin America
Full title of the project: Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance in terrestrial and aquatic food production systems, under the One Health approach in Latin America
Status: Ongoing
Donor: With support from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, NORAD
Target Countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay
Period: March 2019 to November 2021
Objectives: Design and adopt AMR containment strategies based on existing AMR risk in terrestrial and aquatic animal production systems, along with technical and normative support and the expansion of risk communication capabilities.
Outcomes and outputs:
Outcome: The Agri-food Subcommittees for AMR strengthen their capacities for risk management based on scientific evidence, which in turn support favorable political and legal environments, allowing a health response in line with the One Health approach and international guidelines.
Output 1: The Agricultural Health and Food Safety Services have a qualitative evaluation of the risks of AMR in livestock and aquaculture production systems, based on a pioneering methodology developed by FAO.
Output 2: The Agricultural Health and Food Safety Services define a national strategy to contain AMR in the livestock and aquaculture sectors in line with the National Action Plans on AMR.
Output 3: The governance of AMR is strengthened through political guidelines, review of legal frameworks and instruments that strengthen the management of the agri-food sector and its inclusion in the National Inter-Sectoral Committee on AMR.