
Upcoming consultation meeting in March 2025
The FAO Land and Water team is pleased to announce the organization of a consultation meeting on AquaCrop, taking place from 11 to 14 March 2025 at FAO Headquarters in Rome, Italy. The event will bring together experts and partners to share insights and identify future opportunities for further developing the tools and enhancing its dissemination worldwide.

New version of AquaCrop 7.1 now available!
Version 7.1 of AquaCrop, the crop-water productivity model developed by FAO, is now available with its standard user interface (GUI) and database, as standalone programs for Windows, MacOS and Linux, and as open source on Github. The transfer of assimilates between the above (leaves and stems) and below-ground organs (crowns and roots) of perennial herbaceous forage crops has been fine-tuned in version 7.1.

New version of AquaCrop 7.0 now available!
Version 7.0 of AquaCrop, the crop-water productivity model developed by FAO, is now available with its standard interface and database, as standalone programs for Windows, MacOS and Linux, and as open source on Github. This new improved version includes perennial herbaceous forage crops (alfalfa), fine-tuning of some simulation processes, harmonisation of crop parameters and new calibrated crops (e.g. cassava).

AquaCrop presented at the International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Vienna, Austria – 26 July 2022
Since its launch in 2009, AquaCrop has been well received by the scientific community and practitioners and is now one of the most prominent models for the improvement of water management and the assessment of climate change impacts. Given the relevance of the model, an open session is organized to present the achievements and lessons learned during its first ten years, and illustrate the most relevant applications, the improvements, and the latest developments of the model. For more information, visit the event website here.

A training on modelling crop yield response to water using the AquaCrop system was organized in Bologna, Italy
The International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology (AIAM) organised the second edition of a training in Agricultural meteorology for sustainable water management in agroecosystems at the University of Bologna (Italy), from 5 to 9 September 2022. In the framework of the training, FAO was invited to present on Thursday 8 September, in a one-day session, the “Modelling of crop yield response to water under conditions in which water is a key factor in crop production – the AquaCrop system (FAO)”. The training was attended by 28 participants from 19 different countries.

Newly published Water Report No 47 "The AquaCrop model: enhancing crop water productivity"
FAO is pleased to announce the publication of the Water Report No 47 "The AquaCrop model: enhancing crop water productivity". Ten years of development, dissemination and implementation 2009-2019". The report presents the State-of-the-art of the development, improvement, training, and application of AquaCrop, the FAO crop-water productivity model, 10 years after its official launch. The report is accessible here.

New version of AquaCrop 6.1 now available!
Version 6.1 of AquaCrop allows for language selection of the interface in English and French. The layout of some menus in this version has also been improved.

Assessing the impact of climate change on crop yields with the AquaCrop model
The West and Central African region is becoming highly vulnerable to climate change. Governments of the region are promoting small-scale irrigation to improve crop production and to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change. In this context, FAO, in collaboration with the Agrhymet Regional Centre - a specialized institution of the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) - and the Ministry of Agriculture of Niger organized a workshop in Niamey, Niger, from 17 to 21 April 2018, on how to assess the impacts of climate change on crop yields using AquaCrop, the crop model developed by FAO. The workshop was organized in the framework of the project "Adapting small-scale irrigation to climate change in West and Central Africa - AICCA".
Thirty five participants attended the workshop from Niger, Mali, the Gambia and Côte d’Ivoire, representing the government, the research and private sectors, as well as IFAD and FAO. A follow-up workshop will take place in June 2018 to share the preliminary results of the analysis of the impact of climate change and to discuss the adaptation strategies of small-scale irrigation to climate variability.

!AquaCrop Version 6.0 is now available
Version 6.0 of AquaCrop, the crop-water productivity model developed by FAO to assess the effect of the environment and management on crop production, has now been released on the AquaCrop website
:The new features of version 6.0 are the following
.It enhances simulation of crop performance in very dry environments
.It allows to consider the presence of gravel as an extra soil profile
.It simulates the effect of weed infestation on crop production
.The water thresholds for stomatal closure of some crops have been improved in the crop data base
.Dry beans have been calibrated and added as a new crop in the crop data base