Workshop on concretizing actions toward agrifood systems transformation in the Pacific (SIDS)
Nadi, Fiji
24/07/2024 - 26/07/2024
Since the preparatory stage of the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS), FAO has been assisting Member States in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly low-income and lower-middle-income countries, as well as Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to transform their agrifood systems. Continued support was extended to enable national convenors and country delegations to participate meaningfully and contribute during the UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment in 2023.
From the voluntary reports and discussions during the UNFSS+2 Stocktaking Moment, Member States in the region have highlighted the need for technical and financial assistance to overcome obstacles that could hinder the full implementation of agrifood systems transformation.
The FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in partnership with the FAO Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) will conduct a three-day workshop from 24-26 July in Nadi, Fiji to harmonize and devise an effective and efficient mechanism for providing technical support to Pacific SIDs in the following areas:
- Translating national pathways (with entry points for strengthening environmental dimensions identified) into action plans with built-in monitoring and evaluation system.
- Formulating an investment plan based on costing of priority action areas.
- Harnessing science, technology, and innovations for agrifood systems transformation.
- Building a national and sub-regional multisectoral capacity development roadmap.
- Forging South-south partnerships and collaboration.