FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

News and Press Releases

Asia and the Pacific heading to achieve MDG hunger target: remaining regional gap narrows to less than one percentage point
The most comprehensive survey on the state of food insecurity in the world confirms large gains have been made in combating hunger in many parts of Asia and the Pacific, the head of FAO’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific announced today. “Achieving the MDG hunger target is now close to hand,” said Hiroyuki Konuma, FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative, noting that the remaining gap to meet the Millennium...
FAO food price index drops to four-year low
Good weather boosts world cereal production – 2014 crop projections up 14 million tonnes
11.09.2014 Rome, Italy
FAO food price index drops to four-year low
FAO's monthly food price indexregistered another drop in August, continuing a 5-month downward run and reaching its lowest level since September 2010. The index's August average of 196.6 points represents a decrease of 7.3 points (3.6 percent) from July. With the exception of meat, prices for all of the commodities measured by the index dipped markedly.Dairy led the pack, with FAO's sub-index for dairy products averaging 200.8 points in August, down 25.3 points (11.2...
Food security tops agenda of FAO Director-General’s meeting with India’s Prime Minister Modi
India looks forward to FAO’s help in addressing emerging challenges facing the country’s agriculture sector
10.09.2014 New Delhi, India
Food security tops agenda of FAO Director-General’s meeting with India’s Prime Minister Modi
The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and FAO Director-General, José Graziano da Silva, have agreed on how to strengthen efforts to promote India’s food security and sustainable agricultural development during talks held in New Delhi. Tuesday’s meeting was Modi’s first with the FAO Director-General since he took office as Prime Minister in May. During the discussions, the Indian leader expressed his concern on the impact that international trade agreements could...
Indian institutions award FAO Director-General for efforts to promote food security
India well positioned to take global role in post-2015 push to eradicate hunger, improve nutrition worldwide
08.09.2014 New Delhi, India
Indian institutions award FAO Director-General for efforts to promote food security
Today FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva was named Doctor Honoris Causa by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) and made a Fellow of India's National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) during his first official mission to the country. “This is truly a great honor,” said Graziano da Silva. “The NAAS and IARI have a rich history of contributing to agricultural development, responding to the challenges of yesterday and today, and...
Director-General reinforces FAO commitments with the islands
Food security, small-scale fisheries and nutrition were the main topics of talks FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva has reaffirmed the organization’s commitment to address food and nutritional insecurity and sustainable livelihood programs in the Small Islands Developing States, in a series of high-level bilateral meetings with the islands’ leaders in the margins of the SIDS Conference, held in Apia, Samoa.   The Director-General has also stressed high level of food imports...
Interest high at FAO side-events at SIDS 2014
FAO in partnership with multi-stakeholders hosted two side-events at the SIDS Conference 2014, which was recently held in Apia, Samoa. The side events respectively focussed on fostering ocean economies and food security in small island developing states. The Blue Growth/ Blue Economy initiative aims to promote the sustainable use and conservation of aquatic renewable resources, in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible way. Oceans provide a substantial portion of the global...
Sustainable development of Small Island Developing States a global litmus test "We want more than just survival. We strive for sustainable development." – FAO Director General at SIDS Summit in Samoa
Coping with climate change should be seen as more than just a question of survival for small island countries – the international community should view it as a challenge to take unified action and notch up efforts to shift to a sustainable model of development, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva said today. "Climate change is happening before our eyes. Rising sea levels, higher air and sea surface temperatures, and changing...
Thailand establishes National Save Food Network
The terms of reference for a new multi-stakeholder network, which aims to reduce food loss and waste in Thailand, has received the endorsement of public sector, private sector, CSOs, research institutes and other stakeholders, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced today. “This is the first formal meeting of the Save Food Network Thailand (SFNET) with FAO and Thailand’s Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives as...
Indigenous peoples “key partners’ in fight against poverty, hunger and malnutrition,” FAO said.
A two-day regional multi-stakeholder consultation to support Indigenous Peoples for their livelihood and food security ended today with fruitful results. The meeting was jointly organized by AIPP and FAO in collaboration with other partners, and was attended by senior representatives of the Governments from 12 countries in the region, representatives from CSOs and international organizations such as EU, RECOFTC, CIFOR, ICRAF, etc. The meeting facilitated a better understanding of the sifting cultivation...
Shifting cultivation can be sustainable if managed properly and environmentally sound
Asia’s indigenous peoples’ consultation meeting opened in Chiang Mai today to discuss shifting cultivation practices
28.08.2014 Chiang Mai, Thailand
In order to support indigenous communities that are depending on shifting cultivation, it is first and foremost necessary to recognize that it is more than just farming practices or farming systems, it is a form of historically sustained livelihood systems and landscape management that is closely connected to the traditional culture and way of life of the communities, a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) sponsored forum heard today. This...