C 2007/1 | Provisional Agenda | K0416E |
C 2007/2 | The State of Food and Agriculture | K0647E |
C 2007/3 | Programme of Work and Budget 2008-09 | K0332E |
C 2007/3 (Web Annexes) | Programme of Work and Budget 2008-09 | K0333E |
C 2007/4 | Programme Evaluation Report 2007 | K0946E |
C 2007/5 A | Audited Accounts - FAO 2004-2005 | |
C 2007/5 B | Audited Accounts FAO 2004-2005 Report of the External Auditor | J8281E |
C 2007/6 | Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee | K0412E |
C 2007/7A.1 - Rev.1 | Report of the Independent External Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | K0827E |
C 2007/7A.1-Corr.1 | Report of the Independent External Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | K0827E |
C 2007/7A.2 | Report of the Independent External Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | K1080E |
C 2007/7B | Report of the Independent External Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations MANAGEMENT RESPONSE “IN-PRINCIPLE” | K0970E |
C 2007/7B (Web annexes) | Report of the Independent External Evaluation of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations MANAGEMENT RESPONSE “IN-PRINCIPLE” Information Notes | K0974E |
C 2007/8 | Programme Implementation Report 2004-2005 (PIR) PDF Format | J8013E |
C 2007/9 | Appointment of the Independent Chairperson of the Council | K0592E |
C 2007/10 | Applications for Membership and Associate Membership in the Organization | K0598E |
C 2007/11 | Election of Council Members | K0442E |
C 2007/12-Rev.1 | Arrangements for the Thirty-fourth Session of the Conference | K0422E |
C 2007/13 | Admission to the Session of Representatives and Observers of International Organizations | K1086E |
C 2007/14 | International Year of the Potato 2008 | K0675E |
C 2007/15 | International Year of Natural Fibres 2009 | K0462E |
C 2007/16 | Progress Report on Implementation of the FAO Gender and Development Plan of Action | K0610E |
C 2007/17 | Interim Report on the Triennial Comprehensive Policy Review (TCPR) of Operational Activities for Development of the United Nations System | K0608E |
C 2007/18 | Adoption of Russian as a Language of the Organization (Amendment of Article XXII of the Constitution and Rule XLVII of the General Rules of the Organization) (Draft Resolutions) | K0469E |
C 2007/19 | Gender and Development Plan of Action (2008-2013) | K0721E |
C 2007/INF/2 | Provisional List of Delegates and Observers (List available in Final Report) | |
C 2007/INF/3 | Provisional List of Documents | K0614E |
C 2007/INF/4 | Statement of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Community and its Member States | K1044E |
C 2007/INF/5 | Statement of the Director-General | K1207E |
C 2007/INF/6 | Presentation of the B.R. Sen Awards | K0754E |
C 2007/INF/7 | Presentation of the A.H. Boerma Award | K0796E |
C 2007/INF/8 | Presentation of the Edouard Saouma Award | K0797E |
C 2007/INF/9 | McDougall Memorial Lecture | K1096E |
C 2007/INF/10 | Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its Activities in 2005 | J8512E |
C 2007/INF/11 | Status of Contributions | K1254E |
C 2007/INF/12 | Implementation of 2006 Regional Conference Recommendations | K0658E |
C 2007/INF/13 | Notification of Membership in the Open Committees of the Council | K0500E |
C 2007/INF/14 | Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its Activities in 2006 | J9670E |
C 2007/INF/15 | Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Director-General | K0428E |
C 2007/INF/16 | The Role of Aquaculture in Sustainable Development | K0701E |
C 2007/INF/17 | Forests and Energy | K0690E |
C 2007/INF/18 | Financing of Agriculture: Issues, Constraints and Perspectives | K0677E |
C 2007/INF/19 | Food Quality and Safety | K0924E |
C 2007/INF/20 | Aid-for-trade in agriculture | K0733E |
C 2007/INF/21 | International Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ICARRD) - Outcome and Follow-up | K0938E |
C 2007/INF/22 | High-Level Conferences on World Food Security and Global Challenges | K1042E |
C 2007/INF/23 | Reports of the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture(Interlaken, Switzerland, 3-7 September 2007) and of the Eleventh Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture | K1022E |
C 2007/LIM/1 | Streamlining of the Membership Rules of the Open Committees of the FAO Council (Draft Resolution | J9343E |
C 2007/LIM/2 | Programme Implementation Report 2004-2005 | J9342E |
C 2007/LIM/3 | Audited Accounts 2004-2005 (Draft Resolution) | J9341E |
C 2007/LIM/4 | Appointment of the Credentials Committee and Resolutions Committee | K0622E |
C 2007/LIM/5 | Scale of Contributions 2008-2009 (Draft Resolution) | K0586E |
C 2007/LIM/5 Corr.1 | Scale of Contributions 2008-2009 | K0586E |
C 2007/LIM/6 | Margarita Lizárraga Medal | K0575E |
C 2007/LIM/7 | Measures to Improve the Organization’s Cash Shortage Situation | K1268E |
C 2007/LIM/8 | Preparations for the 34th Session of the FAO Conference | K1184E |
C 2007/LIM/9 | First Report of the General Committee | K1191E |
C 2007/LIM/10 | First Interim Report of the Credentials Committee | K1182E |
C 2007/LIM/11 | 1st Report of the Resolutions Committee | K1200E |
C 2007/LIM/12 | Report to the Council of the Independent Chairperson of the Council on the Recommendations of the Friends of the Chair on IEE Follow-up | K1190E |
C 2007/LIM/13 | Reports of the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources (Interlaken, Switzerland, 3 – 7 September 2007) and of the Eleventh Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Rome, 11 – 15 June 2007) | K1187E |
C 2007/LIM/14 | Programme of Work and Budget (PWB) 2008-09 | K1189E |
C 2007/LIM/15 | Independent Chairperson of the Council’s Proposal for a Supplementary Paragraph in the Draft Resolution on Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation (IEE) | K1204E |
C 2007/LIM/16 | Amendments to the General Regulations of WFP | K0587E |
C 2007/LIM/17 | Second Report of the General Committee | K1212E |
C 2007/LIM/18 | Third Report of the General Committee | K1249E |
C 2007/LIM/19 | Report of the Independent Chairperson of the Council to the Conference on Follow-up to the Independent External Evaluation of FAO (IEE) | K1252E |
C 2007/LIM/20 | Fourth Report of the General Committee | K1304E |
C 2007/LIM/21-Rev.1 | Second Report of the Credentials Committee | K1296E |
C 2007/LIM/22 | Fifth Report of the General Committee | K1332E |