Multi-stakeholder partnerships to finance and improve food security and nutrition in the framework of the 2030 Agenda

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda encouraged the use of multistakeholder partnerships (MSPs) to complement the efforts of national governments and intergovernmental organizations in ending hunger and poverty and achieving sustainable development. In this context, MSPs are gaining traction, as a part of a new approach to governance, and as a topic for science. Yet, evidence and data are still limited and quickly evolving.

This report highlights transparency and accountability as key conditions: to align MSPs’ work with the progressive realization of the right to adequate food; to better use existing resources for FSN and sustainable development; and even to potentially attract new resources. This report also suggests a set of criteria to enable governments and non-state actors to perform their own assessments of MSPs following a common methodology, as well as pathways to improve their contribution to financing and improving FSN.



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