Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Madagascar ©FAO Aris Mihich

Towards a more efficient and impactful
Collaborative Partnership on Forests

Side event to UNFF18

11 May 2023, 1:15-2:30 pm EDT

CR4, UNHQ, New York (hybrid)


The effectiveness of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) is currently under review as part of the midterm review of the effectiveness of the International Arrangement on Forests. Seizing this opportunity, this side event is seeking an open and forward-looking discussion with UNFF Member States on how the CPF can better carry out its functions as defined in E/RES/2015/33, and become more impactful and efficient. This event aims to provide information and build better understanding of the ongoing work of the CPF, explore pathways to strengthen CPF’s support to UNFF Member States, and to collect views and informal feedback from them. The side event will also offer an opportunity to identify next steps to be taken regarding Member States’ engagement and contributions to the CPF’s work. 

During the side event the CPF will:

To stimulate the discussions during this side event, the panel will address the following questions:

  • CPF’s role in supporting Member States in achieving forest commitments. How can CPF’s work be better incorporated in the mandates of its Member’s organizations?
  • What are the opportunities for funding the CPF work in support of UNSPF and other forest commitments, including from multilateral financial institutions?
  • How can CPF Members be more impactful and coordinated to enhance efforts in achieving the Global Forest Goals, including through their governing bodies?
  • How can the communication be improved among the CPF member organizations?


The Collaborative Partnership on Forests, established in 2001 (ECOSOC resolution 2015/33) is an informal, voluntary arrangement among 16 international organizations and secretariats with substantial programmes on forests.

The vision of the CPF is that "by 2030 all types of forests and forest landscapes are sustainably managed, their multiple values are fully recognized, the potential of forests and their goods and services is fully unlocked, and the Global Forest Goals, the Sustainable Development Goals and other global forest-related goals, targets and commitments are achieved." To realize this vision, CPF members work together on forest issues to support countries and help move from deforestation to restoration.

At the CPF Organization-led Initiative (OLI) organized by FAO and UNFFS, held from 22 to 23 February 2023 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, CPF was invited to enhance interaction and communication with members of the Forum, regional and sub regional partners, and major groups on its activities during UNFF sessions by organizing briefing meetings. The CPF was also invited to continue to enhance coherence, and collaboration on sustainable forest management, and upscale progress and impact on the ground towards SFM, in particular, by advancing an integrated approach to climate change, biodiversity, land, and forest agendas at all levels, taking into account the outcomes of UNFF and other forest-related fora.

After the successful “Friends of the CPF meeting” at UNFF17 in 2022, this event is organized to respond to the above requests and to enhance dialogue with UNFF Members. 

Format of the meeting

The event will be held at UNHQ, New York, in a hybrid format. The meeting will be open to the public and UNFF18 Members. Watch live on UN Web TV.