Collaborative Partnership on Forests


CPF documents, statements and reports

IUFRO Forest and human health2023 CPF Global Assessment Report
Forest and trees for human health: Pathways, impacts, challenges and response options

This global assessment report aims to contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by highlighting the nexus between SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being and SDG 15: Life on Land, as well as relevant links to other SDGs. A total of 44 scientists and experts contributed to this assessment, with a core Expert Panel of 16 scientists with diverse expertise, including forestry, ecology, landscape design, psychology, medicine, epidemiology and public health. The report was launched on the International Day of Forests 2023.

Edcation_cc2196en_2002022 CPF Publication
Global assessment of forest education

Creation of a Global Forest Education Platform and Launch of a Joint Initiative under the Aegis of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests.

An assessment of uptake of the Global Core Set of Forest-related Indicators2022 CPF Publication
An assessment of uptake of the Global Core Set of forest-related indicators

Analysis of the uptake of indicators by reporting processes and the extent to which they decrease reporting burden on countries.

CPF statements

CPF reports

CPF publications

Forests and trees for human health: Pathways, impacts, challenges and response options
Global assessment report. 2023

An assessment of uptake of the Global Core Set of forest-related indicators
Analysis of the uptake of indicators by reporting processes and the extent to which they decrease reporting burden on countries. 2022

Global assessment of forest education
Creation of a Global Forest Education Platform and Launch of a Joint Initiative under the Aegis of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. 2022

Status of, and trends in, the Global Core Set of Forest-related Indicators
An accompanying document of the FAO State of the World’s Forests 2022 report

Turning the tide on deforestation
Flagship initiatives of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests. 2021 

Forests, trees and poverty alleviation in Africa
An expanded policy brief. 2021 | French

Forests, trees and the eradication of poverty: potential and limitations
Global assessment report. 2020

Forest and water on a changing planet: vulnerability, adaptation and governance opportunities
Global assessment report. 2018

Illegal logging and related timber trade: dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses
Global rapid response assessment report. 2016

Forests, trees and landscapes for food security and nutrition
Global assessment report. 2015

Promoting sustainable forest management
CPF highlights 2013-2014

Understanding relationships between biodiversity, carbon, forests and people: the key to achieving REDD+ objectives
Global assessment report. 2012

Promoting the sustainable management of all types of forests

Rio+20 and forests
The contribution of the Collaborative Partnership on Forests to Rio+20. 2012

Embracing complexity: Meeting the challenges of international forest governance
Global assessment report. 2011

Making African forests fit for climate change
A regional view of climate change impacts on forests and people, and options for adaptation
Policy brief. 2010

Adaptation of forests and people to climate change
Global assessment report. 2009