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Country Leaflet

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SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
TCP/CUB/4002 Apoyo de emergencia para rehabilitar la producción agrícola y los medios de vida de los productores afectados por los huracanes Oscar y Rafael 2025 2026500,000$
TCP/CUB/4001 Apoyo a la implementación de iniciativa Mano de la Mano y las Cuatro Mejoras en fincas sostenibles 2024 2026240,000$
TCP/CUB/3901 Apoyo al Impulso de la Economía y el Enfrentamiento a la Crisis Mundial. 2023 2025235,000$
SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
OSRO/CUB/035/CHA Rehabilitation of short-cycle crops production to the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people affected by Hurricane Oscar 2024 2025280,000$
OSRO/CUB/036/CHA Emergency support for the early rehabilitation of short-cycle crops production to the food and nutritional security of vulnerable people affected by Hurricane Rafael 2024 2025500,024$
GCP /CUB/11792P/GBF Conservation and sustainable use of threatened coastal and inland fish species in Cuba (PPG) 2025 2025150,000$
GCP /CUB/028/GFF Mainstreaming biodiversity into mountain agricultural and pastoral landscapes of relevant ecosystems (FSP) 2023 20284,662,785$
GCP /CUB/030/GFF Improving the management and protection of the marine habitat in the Gulf of Guacanayabo (FSP) 2023 20261,319,863$
GCP /CUB/031/GCR Preparación marcos estratégicos para guiar la inversión del FVC en el sector forestal y otros usos d 2023 2026483,871$
GCP /CUB/11253P/GFF Blue and green development in food and urban sectors of Cuba (PPG) 2023 2025200,000$
GCP /CUB/027/EC Modelos pilotos, horizontales y sostenibles, de gestión del conocimiento y transferencia de tecnologia en agroecologia 2021 20252,738,225$
GCP /CUB/021/GCF Increased climate resilience of rural households and communities through productive landscape restoration in selected localities of the Republic of Cuba (IRES-Cuba) 2020 202738,206,791$
GCP /CUB/020/CBT Enhancing Cuba`s capacities for enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement (MSP) (FSP) 2020 2025863,242$
GCP /CUB/017/GFF Introduction of new farming methods for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, including plant and animal genetic resources, in production landscapes in selected areas of Cuba (FSP) 2019 20262,973,289$
GCP /CUB/024/EC Fortalecimiento de políticas y del Sistema Integrado de Gestión del Conocimiento para la seguridad alimentaria sostenible en Cuba 2019 20256,428,571$