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TCP/CMB/3905/C2 TCPF: Strengthening of Cambodia`s national Geographical Indication system and products for sustainable development 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/CMB/3901/C1 TCPF: Support to biosecure live bird markets for sustainable and healthy food, environment, and people 2023 20256,000$
TCP/CMB/3902 Improved policy frameworks to support food system sustainability and safety 2023 2025302,000$
TCP/CMB/3903 Technical assistance to the second national Cambodia agriculture census 2023 2025288,000$
TCP/CMB/3904 Unlocking opportunities for agriculture and forestry sectors development and transformation 2023 2025403,000$
OSRO/CMB/056/GER Protecting vulnerable Cambodian farmers, livestock owners and fisherfolk from El Niño induced drought 2024 2024500,000$
OSRO/CMB/051/USA Cambodia: Global Health Security (GHS) - Technical assistance for animal health systems to address emerging and priority zoonotic diseases and health threats in Cambodia 2023 20271,400,000$
GCP /CMB/053/PAF Pandemic Fund Cambodia: Cambodia Pandemic Preparedness and Response (CamPPR) 2024 20263,455,000$
GCP /CMB/11400P/GFF Building climate resilience of communities in Cambodia`s protected landscapes: biodiversity-friendly crop-livestock systems for adaptation (PPG)-GEF portion 2024 202544,444$
GCP /CMB/11400P/LDF Building climate resilience of communities in Cambodia`s protected landscapes: biodiversity-friendly crop-livestock systems for adaptation (PPG)-LDF portion 2024 2025155,556$
GCP /CMB/044/GCF Public-Social-Private Partnerships for Ecologically-Sound Agriculture and Resilient Livelihood in Northern Tonle Sap Basin (PEARL) 2023 202936,231,981$
GCP /CMB/054/SWI Community Action for Sustainable Forests (CASFor) 2023 20273,497,582$
GCP /CMB/045/LDF Promoting Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Rice-Based Communities in the Tonle Sap Region (FSP) 2022 20278,932,420$
GCP /CMB/037/LDF Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Cambodia`s Coastal Fishery Dependent Communities (FSP) 2021 20264,350,000$
GCP /CMB/043/EC FAO Complementary Support to the Cambodia Programme for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in the Fisheries Sector: Capture component (CAPFISH Capture) 2019 202518,961,798$
UNJP/CMB/057/UNJ Transforming Cambodia`s food systems to become more sustainable, inclusive and resilient 2024 2025150,000$