Call dates: 14 November 2019 to 31 August 2020 ( Deadline Extended
The FAO Digital Innovation Team through the e-Agriculture Community of Practice is calling for submission of (i) Good Practices or Promising on the use of ICTs and digital innovations in agriculture, and/or (ii) Digital Solutions in Agriculture. The aim of the Call is to enable members to share experiences, solutions, lessons learned and recommendations on various digital agriculture-relevant topics from the members of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice and beyond.
Selected Good Practices and related experiences will be published and shared to members of e-Agriculture Community as well as distributed through the community social media channels. The main objective is to allow members to take stock of existing good practices that have potential to be scaled-up in similar settings.
Additionally, submitted promising Digital Agriculture Solutions would be listed in the proposed e-Agriculture Solutions Database available to members. The proposed Digital agriculture practices and solutions should be useful and accessible to smallholder farmers.
e-Agriculture is always happy to receive your proposals for good and promising practices. The e-Agriculture Team can help you with the process of documenting your experience. You can find detailed guidelines on how to submit a good or promising practice here.
A presentation on experience capitalization and good practices in ICTs for agriculture is available here, giving more information on the methodology. You can request support from the e-Agriculture platform or via email: [email protected]
Thematic or Topic Coverage
The good or promising practice you wish to document should be about the use of ICTs for agriculture, the calls can include (but not limited) to :-
- Forestry
- Livestock and Animal health
- Fisheries
- Plant and Animal diseases
- Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Land and Water
- Gender in Agriculture
- Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship
- Early warning systems and resilience
- Trade and markets
- Food Safety and Nutrition
- Food losses and waste
- Extension systems
- Micro-finance and responsible investment
- Agricultural mechanization
- Post-harvest and food processing
The technologies included should also be widespread as applied in agriculture such as emerging technologies blockchains, artificial intelligent systems, geospatial technologies, Internet of Things, e-commerce, Mobile Apps etc.
(For further guidance, see the classification of tech solutions here Page 2 sub-chapter 1.1 para 4)
The proposed Digital agriculture practices and solutions should be useful and accessible to smallholder farmers.
Part 1: Good Practices on the use of ICTs and digital innovations in agriculture
Preliminary requirements
- Complete the Good Practices Template
- Between 2,000 and 4,000 words
- Submissions should be in one of these languages: French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian
- Pictures included in the submission should have copyright clearance
- All citations and sources should be acknowledged
- Author/Submitter details
- Name and Surname
- Address
- Country
- Telephone Number
- Photo
- Short bio (10) lines maximum
- By submitting the good practice for the call, the author allows FAO and its partners to use the information and to publish the submitted document.
Part 2: Digital Solutions in Agriculture
We would like to get feedback on the available digital solutions in agriculture, which the community can re-use or upscale. Many smallholder farmers in the global south require on-farm digital solutions to support them through-out the value chains and in their agricultural practices. Meanwhile, some farmers in the global north could have publicly available solutions that are available for use. This part of the call is also intended to enable members to indicate which digital solutions are available and can be applied for certain solutions.
Preliminary requirements
- Send an email for the Digital Solutions in Agriculture
- Submissions should be in one of these languages: French, English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian
- Solutions should be freely available for re-use and open source/innovation
- Encourage Global Public Goods
Submission details
- Name of the Applicant
- Representative
- Name of the Organization
- Country
- Category of the solution
- Brief summary of the solution
- Website of the platform or the solution
- Logo of company/startup/solution, etc.
Definition of terms used
A good practice is not only a practice that is good, but also one that has been proven to work well and produce good results in different settings or contexts, and is therefore recommended as a model. It is a successful experience that has been tested and validated,in the broad sense, has been repeated and deserves to be shared, so that a greater number of people can adopt it. (FAO, 2016)
A promising practice has demonstrated a high degree of success in its single setting, and the possibility of replication in the same setting is guaranteed. It has generated some quantitative data showing positive outcomes over a period of time. A promising practice has the potential to become a good practice, but it has not been thoroughly analysed nor has it been replicated sufficiently to support wider adoption or upscaling. As such, a promising practice incorporates a process of continuous learning and improvement. (FAO,2016)