
Posts on the topic "Research, information and knowledge sharing"

Posts on the topic "Research, information and knowledge sharing"

  • Call for good and promising practices for the region of Europe and Central Asia

    Deadline : 30th of November 2017 The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the e-Agriculture Community of Practice (CoP) are launching a call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs for Agriculture in the region of Europe and Central Asia. The call aims at collecting lessons learned and recommendations of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), also called digital technologies, for agriculture initiatives in Europe and Central Asia and sharing them among the members and followers of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice and beyond. The...
  • Конкурс положительных и перспективных практик в регионе Европы и Центральной Азии

    Крайний срок подачи заявок: 30-го ноября 2017 г. Продовольственная и сельскохозяйственная организация Объединенных Наций (ФАО) и Сообщество специалистов-практиков электронного сельского хозяйства (CП) объявляют о начале конкурса положительных и перспективных практик использования ИКТ для сельского хозяйства в регионе Европы и Центральной Азии. Целью конкурса является сбор извлеченных уроков и рекомендаций по Информационным и коммуникационным технологиям (ИКТ), также называемых цифровыми технологиями, для инициатив в области сельского хозяйства в Европе и Центральной Азии и их дальнейшее...
  • African Green Revolution Forum 2017

    African Green Revolution Forum 2017 Date 4th - 8th September, 2017 Location Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire Description The African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) is a platform for global and African leaders to develop actionable plans that will move African agriculture forward. Established in 2010, the...
  • Update - Call for good and promising practices on the use of ICTs in agriculture

    One month after the deadline the e-Agriculture Team would like to update the members of the Community of Practice of the outcome of the call for good and promising practices. We have received many interesting submissions and after a review process by the 3 jury members we have selected 15 good and promising practices . The jury was composed of: Jorge Chavez-Tafur from CTA (Experience Capitalization Expert) Dr. Simone Sala from FAO (ICT for Agriculture Expert) Alice Van der Elstraeten from FAO (e-Agriculture Team Member) All participants in the call for good and promising practices will...
  • e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology...
  • Upcoming e-Agriculture webinar: Farmer-centered design - recommendations for e-agriculture practitioners

    When: Friday 28 July - 9 AM EST – 10 AM EDT – 4PM CEST Direct link to the webinar: http://fao.adobeconnect.com/eagfcdesign/ To register fill in the form by clicking here Human-centered design or user-centered design is at the core of the Principles for Digital Development : guidelines to help development practitioners to integrate best practices into technology enabled programs. The concept of user- or farmer-centered design has been around for more than a decade but still raises a lot of questions. Far too often, an application is designed far away from its beneficiaries or users and does...
  • Discover the new FAO in emergencies App

    The FAO in Emergencies app allows you to follow the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations top news and recent highlights covering response to disasters, emergencies and food security crises all over the world. This new tool will allow you to keep up with FAO’s continued efforts to increase the resilience of people and their livelihoods to threats and crises. The app is divided in six categories: the " Crises " section allows the user to learn more on the current crises in the world, the " Open projects " section showcase ongoing FAO's or partner's projects to tackle those...
  • The new ICT Update is now online: Applications for agriculture

    The new ICT Update, Issue 85 is now available online. The issue is entitled "Applications for Agricultue" reporting CTA's work in covering the growth and proliferation of digital and mobile phone technologies for agriculture. CTA is now moving forward by developing the Apps4Ag database - which is envisaged as a comprehensive, up-to-date and responsive database of ICTs including mobile, web, animation, audio, and video applications involved in the food value chains. CTA has a clear approach in integrating ICTs into the food value chains and is now working on building a sustainable platform for...
  • 2017 WSIS Project Prize in the Media category goes to Agribusiness TV

    Agribusiness TV, has been awarded the 2017 United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Project Prize in the “Media” category. Agribusiness TV is a web TV whose mission is to use video as a promotional tool and (re)valorisation of the agricultural sector to young eyes, showing the successful course of young agricultural entrepreneurs and their innovations in Africa. The web TV has been promoting stories of innovative African youth agripreneurs and inspiring young people interested in agribusiness entrepreneurship in the whole world. The web and mobile application receive a...