Nano Ganesh will be demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress
Nano Ganesh - a mobile based remote control for water pumps and water tanks - developed by the Ossian Agro Automation, will be demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, Spain, taking place from February 27th to March 2nd 2017. The electronic device will be part of the Mobile for Development in the Innovation City in the Mobile World Congress. GSMA has constructed a small grass plot irrigated by sprinklers controlled live by visitors with a mobile phone with the help of Nano Ganesh device.
Nano Ganesh is a GSM Mobile based remote control system exclusively for the use with water pump sets in agriculture areas. The need of Nano Ganesh arised from the routine problems faced by the farmers in operating the pumps such as fluctuations in power supply, difficult terrain, the presence of dangerous animals on the way to pumps, hazardous locations of the pumps along the river or water storage beds, shock hazards, rains etc. With the help of Nano Ganesh Mobile Modem farmers can control the pumps from any distance, check availability of power supply at the pump end, check if the water pump is on or off, and get an alert call if there is a theft attempt of the cable or pump.
According to Santosh Ostwal, the CEO & Founder Director of Ossian Group, “Water is a precious element. Millions of water pumps are delivering water to the global population. Hence it is a need of the time to measure, control and monitor even a single drop of water.” Ossian Agro Automation’s Nano Ganesh now has more than 60,000 units installed in India, allowing farmers to control and monitor water pumps by accessing them through a mobile phone.
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