Register for the WSIS Action Line C7: E-Agriculture - Digital in Action - Agrifood systems Transformation for SDGs achievement
Embedding Digital as a component to common efforts and policies for agrifood systems is crucial, as it is the enabling tool that can bridge us all towards development, leaving no one behind.
On the occasion of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2023, FAO is organizing a special event on “Digital in Action - Agrifood systems Transformation for SDGs achievement”, on March 16, from 14:30 to 16:15 CET.
The event will bring forward discussions on key topics about Digital in Action for the Transformation of Agrifood Systems, through concrete solutions and examples of Digital capabilities as accelerators to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including FAO Digital Villages Initiative, the Hand-in-Hand Initiative and its enabling tool, the HIH Geospatial Platform.
The session will bring together representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador, the IAEA-FAO Joint Research Centre and FAO field and regional offices from Bangladesh and the African Region. Tune in to exchange on how to create an enabling environment for an inclusive and sustainable digitalization of our agrifood systems; and hear about concrete solutions and examples of FAO’s as well as other stakeholders’ digital capabilities for targeted impact.
- All participants are required to register to Virtual Participation here.
- Upon registration, you will be asked to validate you email address to continue the registration process. An email will be sent to you to validate your email address.
- Following the validation, you will receive an email with your Virtual Participation Registration Confirmation, including the link that directs you to the personal join session portal, that will show all the sessions.
- You need to select the session that you would like to attend and can join by clicking the ‘’join’’ button which gives you access to the virtual room.
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