
UNESCO Mobile learning week: Deadline to submit proposals 17/01/2016


UNESCO Mobile learning week: Deadline to submit proposals 17/01/2016

Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO's flagship ICT in education conference. Held annually at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, the event convenes experts from around the world to share how affordable and powerful mobile technology – from basic handsets to the newest tablet computers – can accelerate learning for all, particularly people living in disadvantaged communities. Each year the event has a specific theme to focus discussions.

The conference is composed of numerous tracks, typically including workshops, a symposium, a high-level policy forum and a research seminar. These tracks engage a wide range of participants, including policy-makers, project managers, educators, researchers, and representatives of NGOs, international organizations and private companies.

Join UNESCO and UNHCR in the search for solutions. Share your projects and ideas to leverage technology to open educational opportunities for people who have been forced to leave their homes and schools due to conflict or disaster.

Symposium proposal

Workshop proposal

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