FAO in Ethiopia


09 November 2021
Addis Ababa - The occasional banging of metal from the fabrication workshop broke the silence of the compound. Four members of the “Ammanuel Abebaw and His Friends Company Limited” in Achefer Woreda, Amhara regional state are rushing to finish their fabrication before nightfall. They have to deliver 150 metal silos to...
03 November 2021
Addis Ababa - Funding from the German Federal Foreign Office has boosted FAO’s efforts to mitigate the impacts of desert locust invasion on food security and livelihoods in Ethiopia. The “Livelihood response to mitigate impacts of desert locust invasion on food security and livelihoods” project is being implemented in Ethiopia, Kenya, and...
26 October 2021
Addis Ababa - Cash and vouchers play a critical role in FAO’s response to shocks and crises when farmers, pastoralists, and fishers can no longer buy food or the productive inputs they need. Between 2020 and 2021, FAO is reaching about 125 000 households affected by desert locusts, drought, COVID- 19, and...
20 October 2021
Bahir Dar - As the blazing midmorning sun shone relentlessly on the vast rice fields in Fogera Woreda, Amhara regional state, a group of farmers gathered around a model site to start their discovery-based learning lesson. The 25 farmers are members of an Aquaculture Field School (AFS) piloting rice-fish integrated farming....
16 October 2021
Ethiopia Federal Ministry of Agriculture, FAO, and WFP  JOINT  WORLD FOOD DAY, 2021 PRESS RELEASE Addis Ababa – During World Food Day 2021 commemoration today, Ethiopia’s Federal Ministry of Agriculture, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the World Food Programme (WFP) called for renewed collective action as Ethiopia races to defeat hunger...