Harnessing science and innovation for sustainable livestock transformation
Venue: King Faisal Room (D263) FAO Headquarters
Hybrid Event, 18/10/2022
The livestock sector contributes directly or indirectly to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly to SDGs 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger), 3 (good health and wellbeing), 5 (gender equality), 8 (decent work and economic growth), 10 (reduced inequalities), 13 (climate action) and 15 (life on land), with complex interactions between these goals. The session will showcase tools and initiatives contributing to transforming the livestock sector to a more environmentally, economically and socially sustainable sector. Innovative tools and initiatives will be presented across three thematic areas: (i) sustainable livestock systems for food security, nutrition and inclusive economic growth; (ii) animal, public and environmental health through the One Health approach; and (iii) natural resource use, climate change and biodiversity.
To showcase how FAO’s innovative tools and initiatives in animal production and health benefit livestock producers, consumers, national authorities and development partners, supporting the sustainable transformation of the livestock sector.
To discuss the needs of the actors in the livestock sector, in particular small-scale producers, and how science and innovation, both in terms of tools and processes, can better address context-specific needs.
Key-note speaker
Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO
Target audience
This session is directed at people who are interested to know about FAO’s work on animal production and health, and how science and innovation can contribute to transforming the livestock sector towards greater sustainability, efficiency, inclusiveness and resilience. The session will be structured and moderated in a way that makes it accessible to a broad, non-specialist audience.
Draft agenda
16:00-16:05 | Opening | Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO |
16:05-16:15 | Keynote speech: FAO’s work in animal production and health | Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO |
FAO's work in animal production and health in practice – Countries’ and partners’ feedback Moderator: Katinka de Balogh | ||
| Tech- innovation in support of small-scale dairy producers in India | Meenesh Shah, Chairman, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), India |
Public-private co-creation of sustainable and scalable policy implementation instruments in Egypt | Safaa Elfadaly, Head of Technical Office of Preventive Medicine, Egypt | |
Challenges for animal disease surveillance in Tanzania | Hezron Nonga, Director of Veterinary Services, Ministry Of Livestock and Fisheries, Tanzania | |
Monitoring the diversity of Animal Genetic Resources to enhance the resilience of the livestock sector using DAD-IS | Samuel Paiva, National Supervisor, Animal Genetic Resources Program, Embrapa, Brazil | |
Modeling to support resilience of livestock to crises – Using modelling as suitable tools to assist decision-makers to manage the risk of Foot and Mouth Disease and similar diseases. | Simon Stockreiter, Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection of Austria - Crisis Unit for veterinary- and food safety-related affairs, Austria | |
VETLAB Network supports Botswana for the detection of Q fever in ruminants: a problem involving veterinary and public health | Chandapiwa Marobela-Raborokgwe, Director, National Veterinary Laboratory, Botswana | |
GLEAM/GLEAM-i: a suite of tools for low carbon livestock | Caroline Planté, Senior Agriculture Specialist, The World Bank | |
Science and innovation to accelerate the transition towards sustainable livestock systems at country level Moderator: Katinka de Balogh | ||
| The moderated panel will discuss how:
| Panelists: H.E. Carlos Cherniak, Permanent Representative of Argentina and Chairperson of the Committee on Agriculture’s (COAG) Sub-Committee on Livestock Meenesh Shah, NDDB Chairman Halimatou Kone Traore, Deputy Permanent Representative of Mali to the FAO and Vice-Chairperson of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock Iain A Wright, Deputy Director General – Research and Development – Integrated Sciences, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Donald Moore, Executive Director, Global Dairy Platform Caroline Planté, Senior Agriculture Specialist, The World Bank |
General discussion and closing | ||
17:20-17:40 | Questions and comments from the audience | |
17:40-17:45 | Closing remarks | Thanawat Tiensin, Director, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO |