1st Interim meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Working Group (REAWG) on LEADER on the “Assessment of the application on LEADER approach in the Western Balkan countries”,
The First Interim Meeting of the Regional Expert Advisory Working Group (REAWG) on LEADER on the “Assessment of the application of LEADER approach in the Western Balkan countries” was held in the period 05 – 07 June 2017 in Andrevlje, Serbia. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the progress of the activities related to the developed draft country reports of the assessment/study with respect to the application of LEADER approach in the Western Balkan countries. The draft country assessment reports have been presented by the National Experts. The final country reports should be done by the end of June 2017.
05/06/2017 - 07/06/2017
Место: Andrevlje, Serbia
Организация: SWG RRD
Год: 2017
Страна/страны: European Union
Географический охват: Европы и Центральной Азии, Европейский союз
Категория: Мероприятие
Язык контента: English