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Connecting the Dots: Policy Innovations for Food Systems Transformation in Africa

A report by the Malabo Montpellier Panel calling on policymakers to rethink and reorient African food systems. Drawing upon the experience of four countries – Ghana, Malawi, Morocco and Rwanda – the report Connecting the Dots: Policy Innovations for Food Systems Transformation in Africa presents five recommendations to elevate policymaking and institutional change to the next level in order to resume momentum towards reducing hunger and malnutrition. Reading the summary might be enough to get a glimpse of how the business as usual is operating in Africa and how they are linked with the industry that is shaping narratives at the UNFSS.

Автор: Malabo Montpellier Panel
Организация: Malabo Montpellier Panel
Год: 2021
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Доклад
Язык контента: English

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