Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Could Agroecology Clubs present a promising approach to addressing food and nutrition insecurity in academic institutions?

ESAFF Uganda is making significant strides in integrating agroecology into school curriculums through the establishment of Agroecology Clubs. These clubs, launched in 2019 during the first National Organic Week, aim to bridge the agroecology knowledge gap in agricultural education. Partnering with organizations like the Agroecology Fund and Humundi, ESAFF Uganda supports the growth of these clubs across various districts. The clubs provide students with hands-on experience in sustainable agriculture, promoting practices such as composting, mulching, organic pesticide production, and livestock integration. Activities like tree planting, poem writing competitions, and school gardens enhance students' practical knowledge and improve school diets with fresh, nutritious produce. The impact of these clubs extends beyond schools, as students apply their knowledge at home, contributing to household food security and nutrition. By fostering a generation committed to sustainable food systems, ESAFF Uganda aims to create a resilient and equitable food future.

Title of publication: https://www.esaffuganda.org
Автор: David Oming
Организация: ESAFF Uganda
Год: 2024
Страна/страны: Uganda
Географический охват: Африки
Категория: Статья в блоге
Язык контента: English

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