Платформа знаний о семейных фермерских хозяйствах

Crops, Weeds and Pollinators: Understanding Ecological Interactions for Better Management

This publication looks at managing agricultural systems through an ecological approach, building upon beneficial biological interactions and finding positive synergies between pollination and weed management. These two aspects of agriculture consist of a multitude of interactions, both beneficial and harmful for the farmer and agriculture in general. If the practices applied to effectively control weeds can also benefit pollinators, there may be multiple benefits. As part of FAO ’s “Global Action on Pollination Services for Sustainable Agriculture”, this publication was prepared in collaboration with experts to develop sound advice aimed for a wide range of countries and contexts to sustainably promote the twin goals of weed and pollinator management.

Издатель: FAO
Издание: 1
Автор: Miguel A. Altieri
Другие авторы: Clara I. Nicholls, Mark Gillespie, Ben Waterhouse, Steve Wratten, Gualbert Gbéhounou, Barbara Gemmill-Herren
Организация: FAO
Год: 2015
Категория: Книга
Язык контента: English

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