
Household-microenterprise – the missing link in gendered value chain analysis: lessons from an analysis of dairy chains in Nicaragua

In Nicaragua, gender analysis in value chains is usually restricted to a study of men and women as producers or workers within the chain itself. This overlooks many relevant dimensions of gender struggles. We therefore propose a gender analysis in value chains that pays attention to the interrelation of the value chain with intra-household dynamics in microenterprises and the broader community. We apply our approach to two dairy chains, not to compare which is better for women producers but to show the gender complexity in both that needs to be considered in value chain analyses. Based on case studies, we identify gender differentiation overlapping with conflictual-cooperative relations between men and women within the sphere of economic and family relations in the two dairy chains.

Title of publication: Enterprise Development and Microfinance
卷号: Vol. 28 Nos. 1–2
期号: March/June 2017
页数: 98-111
作者: Flores Cruz, Selmira y Bastiaensen, Johan
组 织: Nitlapan-UCA
其他组织: Repositorio Institucional Universidad Centroamericana UCA
年份: 2017
国家: Nicaragua
地理范围: 拉美和加勒比海国家共同体
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
