
Consumer preference for food products addressing multiple dimensions of poverty: Evidence from China

Poverty alleviation products are made by impoverished producers and marketed as such to improve producers
returns. We implement an online discrete choice experiment on rice in China to explore consumer preference for
products specifically labelled as poverty alleviation products that represent multiple dimensions of poverty. We
also differentiate the nature of public and private goods in terms of poverty alleviation products. Compared to
products with unknown producer income, rice produced by impoverished producers with the lowest income
attracts a higher willingness to pay (WTP). Poor women producers lead to the highest WTP compared to poor
senior producers and producers with disabilities. Offering additional income information after revealing types of
impoverished producers may not continuously improve WTP. However, presenting the private good attributes
supplements the value of public good characteristics. Our analysis provides implications on how to combat
poverty through the market, and policymakers may consider a complete labelling scheme to facilitate the
development of poverty alleviation products.

Title of publication: Elsevier
卷号: Food Policy 115 (2023) 102419
作者: Tong Zhang
其他作家: Wuyang Hu, Zhanguo Zhu, Jerrod Penn
年份: 2023
国家: China
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋
类别: 文章
内容语言: English
