
Experiences: My farm

„Regalina” layer hen farm, from Râșnov

Trade and Industry of Brașov, at the specific activity of meat chicken raising. From the meat chicken to the raising of layer hens Starting from 2002, the company gave up raising meat chicken, focusing its resources on raising and holding egg hens. Three years later, the company started on the tourist market, building with SAPARD funds „ Bran house – Villas” guesthouse, in Bran resort. The series of the investments by European Projects carried on in 2008, when NE -

CRI SAN started the modernization at European standards of two of the four halls form the layer hen farm. After equipment with new modern batteries, the two halls were peopled with Isa Brown race hens. Due to the achievement of immediate profit, modernizations also continued to the other two halls of the farm. Farm extension and development stage by European funds In 2011-2012, the company accessed European funds by Measure 121 „Modernization of agricultural holdings” - NRDP 2007-2013, extending the farm and equipping it with a new hall destined to the raising of the total number of young replacement chickens and with an egg sorting, marking, packing and storing center. In the same time, investments continued by the acquisition of state of the art equipment.

Title of publication: Rural Romania
期号: 24
国际标准刊号: 2393 – 123X
页数: 30-32
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
