
The goat farm is popularized due to the support

The Lithuanian Goat Breeders Association, headed by the farmer Andžela Dalia Ėmužytė, has already prepared more than one project under the action area “National Rural Network” of the 2007–2013 Lithuanian Rural Development Programme measure “Technical Assistance”. Goat milk cheeses, produced at the farm of the farmer A.D. Ėmužytė, have become well-known in Lithuania. She produces 36 sorts of goat cheeses, natural and of unique taste. The farmer adds caraway seeds, garlic, paprika and pepper, nettle, rosemary and other herbs. The skillful mistress does not forget to flavor cheese with chocolate, cocoanut, raisins or orange peel. For goat cheese production, A.D. Ėmužytė uses raw materials from her organic farm, buying just some part of spicy herbs.

Title of publication: Lithuanian Rural Network: good practice examples
国际标准刊号: 978-609-95341-5-2
页数: 9
年份: 2012
国家: Lithuania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
