
Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in South America

Cases of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru

Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing.

Title of publication: Agronomía Colombiana
卷号: 32
期号: 2
国际标准刊号: 2357-3732
页数: 266-275
作者: Juan Carlos Barrientos-Fuentes
其他作家: Juan Carlos Torrico-Albino
组 织: Universidad Nacional de Colombia
其他组织: Cologne University of Applied Sciences
年份: 2014
国家: Colombia
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English
