
East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis - Kenya

In this chapter we review some national statistics that will help characterize the capacity of the population to adapt to climate change and describe Kenya’s land base and current agricultural context. Then we show results of crop models that incorporate climate projections from recent global models. Finally, we incorporate those results into a global model for food and for agricultural supply and demand that takes into account demographic and economic projections for Kenya. Along the way, we identify areas of potential losses and gains.

Title of publication: East African agriculture and climate change: A comprehensive analysis
发布者: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
章/节: 7
作者: Michael Makokha Odera
其他作家: Timothy S. Thomas, Michael Waithaka, Miriam Kyotalimye
组 织: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
年份: 2013
国家: Kenya
地理范围: 非洲
类别: 书籍部分
内容语言: English
