
Decent rural employment and productivity of family labour

Enhanced labour productivity improves working conditions in agriculture (and vice-versa)

Agricultural labour productivity and decent employment are interlinked. Data show that in countries with higher agricultural productivity, the agricultural workforce faces a lower probability to be unemployed, poor or in vulnerable employment. This indicates that decent work gaps in agriculture can be addressed by increasing labour productivity. To do so, FAO works to improve the skills of the agricultural workforce through trainings and education, with particular emphasis on youth, helping them adapt to ongoing and future labour market demands. This enhances the ability of rural dweller to engage in high quality jobs and increases their mobility within the agricultural sector and towards agriculture-related activities. Altogether, this will foster inclusive rural development.

发布者: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
年份: 2017
类别: 政策简报/文件
内容语言: English
