
Regional Roundtable on the World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020)

The Roundtable will focus on new features and innovations included in the new World Programme for Census of Agriculture 2020 (WCA 2020). Additionally, the meeting aims to disseminate among the selected member countries of FAO the new WCA 2020 which will cover the period 2016-2025. The Roundtable is part of ESS capacity building activities and aims at a strengthening the knowledge and skills of national staff in member countries in charge of planning and conducting agricultural censuses.

 03/04/2017 - 07/04/2017
地点: Budapest, Hungary
组 织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
年份: 2017
地理范围: 欧洲及中亚, 欧洲联盟
类别: 活动
内容语言: English
